chapter 65

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Oh my god I could not believe that I am updating my last chapter of my first story " accidental love.." . Yes it all started with the misunderstanding and gonna end with trust and love for each other. Happy that you all agreed to have a read these long days .. accepted what ever blunder I did in my previous chapters but you guys were there for me.. I am touched with story which made me to realise that I can write something.. thank you.. every one..let's do a nacho farewell to this story...

Actually I said I will post yesterday itself but the thing is that the part got deleted after I saved it.. the whole part guys and I am writing this for second time... so please pardon me...

No proof read..


Pragya walked into a big mansion, well decorated with flowers and colourful lights. She feels her heart raging fast in anger and she would make people ashes through her firing eyes.

" why you have to do like this ? I know you are behind for the everything that happened now !! " pragya spoked boldly with the spark in her eyes.

" you purposely killed karan by making me to go weak..I know you don't like me but why you have to trap know he went to jail because of his love for me.."

The person came infront of her and she was not shocked to see ritika standing there who was smiling at her with an evil smirk .

" Karen.." she called out while he came towards them and pragya's eyes stick on him. She never expected him to live as she very well knew , she was the one who killed her. But how he is alive , is there anything they both are planning..

She was thinking about the consequences she had faded by then , how abhi went behind the bars for her but there is something that no one knows.

" poor pragya.. you know what .. I have never seen a fool like you.. you always be truthful to everyone and that made you to face this situation.. you thought that you killed me , but it's just our plan to trap you guys.." karan said forwarding towards them.

Pragya never suspected it because the way abhi praised them never made to doubt by the way the truth is out and she was free from the guiltyness that she didnt killed him.

" why you wanted to take revenge on me ? What I had done to you guys ? " pragya asked wondering with lots of questions. She just need to know why they wanted to trap her.

" we wanted to destroy abhi and you are the real source for him. If you are removed from his life,  automatically his career will go off and we will get what we want.." ritika tells pragya again confusing her.

"  why he gonna be an obstacle for you ? You were so nice to him.." Pragya asked directly.

" papa started to believe abhi than me and we both thought that we will get that deal but he said abhi will decide about it . That deal cost for millions of dollars which were our dream project to get money from our dad but what abhi did. He suggested to papa that we can give to some needy people who may get useful by that..he said many strong talents are there than us.." ritika said fuming in anger.

" you would have said to him directly .." Pragya asked her.

" it's my papa's money and who is he to decide about it and moreover me and karan wanted to settle in our lives and that money would have helped us ..still we both are under papa's instructions..and we wanted to live independently. .." she said.

" but abhi destroyed everything.. so we planned to trap you but our god's grace, he itself got stucked in it.." karan said .

" now what you will do..will say to the police that its a drama and karan is alive.. who will believe you pragya..."ritika asked in a taunting tone .

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