chapter 44

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Thanks guys for your wonderful support...I am happy to see your love towards my ff.

And sorry I could not update my chapters as I was in mood off and not feeling to do anything....simply passing the time...
May be this may not be up to  level and I will update jab we met too...

Today's target...

80 views and 40 votes...
Back with the last  chapter... ...

" many years passed but he could not even identify who is truthful to him..." pragya thinks while searching for abhi .

Though her mind asked her not to care about him but her heart wants to protect him from bad eyes.

She looks at him who was arguing with the waiter.

" have already completed two bottles and I could not give you more sir's not good for your health.." the waiter tells pulling the bottle towards him.

" I will be happy if i die soon rather than living this life..." abhi tells and inserts his fingers inside his pocket.

Pragya felt a sharp pain in her heart and she moved towards him as she could not take it more ..

Abhi throwed a bundle of notes towards the waiter and asked him to give the drink as the waiter looks blank . PRAGYA nods her head to look for others.

She stands beside him and abhi looks at her.

" you must be happy right..." Abhi asked after a minute of silence.

PRAGYA looked at him and turns her face from him not able to look into his eyes.

" ya...ofcourse ...I am happy.." pragya says to make him move on his life.

" why you were you are going to marry a person who loves you a lot .."Abhi said looking at her in hatred.

" yes.. he do...he loves me alot .. " pragya tells which hurts abhi.

" then what will you name my love for you..." asked Abhi which makes pragya to look at him.

She never  expected those words from him. She too knows that he loves her a lot more than anything in this world but her situation is making worse to tell him that she loves him unconditionally.

PRAGYA tries to move but abhi stopped her.
She looked back at him where his eyes were filled with tears.

" I thought to rescue him but every minute with him makes me to feel hard..I could not able to hear the words from him...but my heart is not allowing me to move away from him...I want him to move on his life but I could not see him with riya ...not only with her..not with heart says he is only for me but the Destiny plans something against my wish..." pragya thinks but she was again stopped by abhi.

" can you dance with me for a last time.."Abhi asked as pragya could not say no.

She looks at aditya who was engaged with his friends and she thinks what will ne think if I dance with abhi.her heart asked her to move with him but her brain stops her.

Before she could react abhi held her hand letting to the stage while everyone claps for them.

Riya winks at purab who smiles at her in return. Arjun  whistles for them and aditya looks at them.

They both starts to dance together....

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