chapter 15

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I know last update was just disgusting..actually I uploaded in my laptop and there was a problem ,i thought that first chapter 14 was not uploaded and I lost that typed words so I typed fresh for last update and after I came to know it had been uploaded..sorry for my mistake..

Recap,  PRAGYA receives and arjun's call and leaves.

          Pragya reaches a big mansion after paying the auto driver. She looks around to find empty as the mansion was big enough to look. She looks at the security near the gate and thinks to confirm whether its arjun's house. Pragya,'s arjun here?  The security looks at pragya and says's our boss. .pragya in mind ,he is the boss? She clears her throat saying i am pragya...arjun's friend. The security opens the door and says ya mam ,sir told about you are..pragya nods her head in yes and says can I? The security smiles at her saying why you are asking permission mam can go.. pragya thinks if he is mad and walks off from there. Abhi and purab comes there. Abhi,  see..what that security told.. purab  ,arey..first we must have not reached here..that too following pragya.. Abhi ,to know the truth we have to. PURAB nods his head in disbelief and both stood there hiding behind the tree .
    Pragya knocks the door while arjun opens it saying welcome madam with a pleasant smile. Pragya enters asking why you called me as you are going to die.. arjun looks at her in shock while pragya was having a look around his new home. Arjun ,you want me to die? Pragya turns to him nodding no and asked is this your home.. arjun says yes it's my home. Pragya, having a big cute beautiful home why you are staying there? Arjun looking around ,I never realised the importance of it but from now I gonna stay here. PRAGYA smiles saying cool and asks why you called me. Arjun says it's more important and come let's have some coffee first.
     Abhi ,what the hell they are doing inside..and what makes them to take time.purab ,abhi..control yourself..otherwise we may get beatings from public. Abhi in anger ,if you continue to talk like this na ..sure I will bear you.. I am in tension you are joking. Purab laughs saying i am making your mood comfortable..
  They saw pragya coming out crying. That's it for abhi..he could never see her crying . He want to enquire her but purab stops him. Abhi , leave me purab.. purab ,abhi..wait.. pragya walks while wiping her tears which is flowing continuously. Arjun from her back holds her hand saying i am sorry..I never thought that this will hurt you.. pragya stops by his words. Abhi and purab starts to listen to their conversation. Arjun, I should have told you before..but thought not to hurt you.. pragya , I am not anger on you..I am mad at can he do like this to me..It's ok..but can he do a thing like this to you..I hate him for this cheap behaviour. I never want to see him again in my life. Abhi looks at purab.Arjun,I know. .and trust me..I am always with you.. he wipes her tears and says okay now give me a smile..pragya looks at him.Arjun ,princess. .!!.pragya smiles hearing that and says let's go we have to reach soon..and drags arjun with her.
   After they left , abhi says see purab..he told everything to her and makes me as a bad person infront of her.. and she..what she told? She hate me purab.. purab ,abhi..I don't know whats going on..let's leave from here.

       It's evening,  all were leaving from college .pragya was sitting there lost in her thoughts while abhi sees her while passing. PRAGYA sees him and smiles slightly. Abhi too sits beside pragya . PRAGYA  hugs abhi by placing her head on his chest and abhi remains silent.pragya ,abhi..I want to say an important thing ... about my life .. Abhi says I know. PRAGYA  breaks the hug and looks at abhi asking you know..arjun informed you.. Abhi nods no.. pragya then in quite sad tone. Abhi stands from there to control his anger. PRAGYA too walks behind him and says know..Arjun and me.. Abhi turns in anger and holds her shoulders firmly may be not want to hear any words from her mouth. Abhi shouts long you gonna lie to me..and I know you love Arjun and he too loves you. PRAGYA looks shocked.. pragya says's not like that. Abhi intreputs saying i know you love him..and because of you..I lost my best friend..he moved from my flat because we had a fight yesterday. PRAGYA  thinks that's why arjun shifted to that mansion. Abhi looks into her eyes asking you lied to me..why? He holds her chin and brushed her lips with his thump asking why you did ? PRAGYA closed her eyes as she could not able to stand as Abhi is more close to her. Abhi by nearing to her earlobe ,don't say that you hooked up with him. By hearing that pragya came to her sense and pushed abhi with a force and slaps hard . Abhi holds his chin as he didn't expected it. PRAGYA in the verge of crying , how can you..chee think me and can you abhi..I thought you will understand my pain..but can't..I feel proud to have you in my life but today I am feeling ashame on me for loving a person like you..Abhi holds her hands while pragya was about to move. . If he is important to you or me..pragya looks at him silent while abhi was waiting for her answer. PRAGYA finally says after everything happened..arjun is important in my life.. I need him..his support..not a person like you who doubt on me..Abhi leaves her hand saying you will feel for this sure day..but that time abhi will not be there for you..he said and leaves from there..pragya sits on the ground crying while rain starts  ...
Screen flashes between abhi's anger face and pragya's crying face..

Hope you liked..soon will be continued..

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