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Thanks guys for your wonderfull support..thanks to New comers I mean readers...sorry for late updates too.. so let's get into our beautiful story of ABHIGYA. ....

     Pragya was returning back with tanu who was looking at her from head to toe. Pragya sighs her what? ? Tanu, I didn't expect this from you..I mean you kissed him Infront of us ..that too in public .pragya blushed more after hearing her words.she never thought that she will become such a crazy lover and she will cross her limits and she doesn't know what made her to do like that..tanu pushed her aside pinning to the wall ,say me..from when you were planing to kiss him? PRAGYA was shocked by her sudden reaction and pushed her saying what you are shameless girl and smirks. Tanu in teasing tone, so what you did sometime before was not shameless.pragya hiding her smile says I kissed my boyfriend there any problem in that..tanu,i don't have any problem..but madam..stay in  limits..pragya nods her head saying i know..I know..they both shared some talks and reached hostel.
    Abhi was on his way thinking about pragya.she just kissed me..oh my god..till yestrday she was saying no to these but after seeing me in pain she can't resist her.she wants to console sweet of her.I never thought that I will get a partner like her . I am happy today as she made this day memorable..first kiss with my love..oh are going crazy..control yourself man..when he reached his flat he sees nikkil , arjun and purab looking at him.he knows the reason behind it and just acted as he didn't noticed them. Abhi went to his room and changed his clothes and came to living room where all were sitting. PURAB,you really enjoyed right. ..he teased him.Abhi,sorry. .what you mean..arjun, don't say that you don't know what we are speaking about..Abhi smiles sheepishly. Abhi,I never thought she will do like that.. and moreover she is my love..I am happy that I am loved by someone. PURAB,abhi..I too love means I can kiss you and moves towards him.Abhi pushed him saying only she have the rights ..better you get permission from her.arjun ,seriously .If pragya agree you will kiss him . Arjun and nikkil puts hifi which irked abhi.. PURAB laughs at him saying bhai..chill..just a joke ..I am happy for you .really you got the most best partner in this world. She is perfect for both look made for each other ..hey na.he asked both.both nods their head and all hugs together.

              Riya reached home with much anger. She stormed in and leaves to her room. Her mother was much frightened by her act.she doesn't know whats happening and follows her. But before she could enter riya locked the door from inside..her mom shouts to open but riya shouts back to leave her alone for sometime ..and breaks all the things. She sits on the floor crying how can you can you cheat me..I never thought that you will break my heart..and how dare is she..she kissed you in front of dare is she..I will not leave her..she will go far away from my are only mine..and only mine..she was blabbering and she looked at abhi's pic on her side table . Riya holds it saying you will come for will itself will ask me to accept you.. and she takes a knife beside the table.. she looks at his pic saying you are only mine abhi and will be mine soon and cuts her hand near nerve. She sits on the floor and was holding abhi's pic close to her heart and collapsed on the floor by closing her eyes . Riya's mom called abhi and nikkil,arjun and purab,abhi were going to her home.Abhi was in much fear and prays nothing should happen..he was rushing purab to drive fast..purab, abhi..chill..nothing will happen to her.Abhi in anger, shut up and drive the car..I know she is brave enough and will not leave the person who is responsible for this. Purab prays that riya should not create any scene . At that time ,nikkil's phone rings. Abhi,who is that.nikkil,tanu and attends the call.tanu ,are you free now..we can go for shopping..nikkil,no actually we are going to riya's home as she is in anger and closed her door making her mom panic. Tanu ,what's there big in this..I too used to do.. nikkil,but tanu..she never did this.. pragya sighs what..tanu asked her to wait and says bye nikkil..will call later and ends call.she tells to pragya and she got shocked .pragya in fear,tanu..let's go ...tanu,are you you are not feeling well.pragya in anger,I am ok ..let's leave.tanu in same tone, we are not going anywhere.pragya , you are not coming right.ok..I am leaving.tanu holds her hand saying wait..I will too come..I can't leave you alone and both leaves to riya's home.
   Abhi and others reached riya's home and they tells her mother not to the door has been locked from inside they breaks the door.all were shocked to see riya unconscious on the floor. Arjun shouts riya and runs to her. All looked At him but none took it serious. He makes her head comfortable in his lap and pats her cheek to open her eyes.then he took the photo from her hands when pragya and tanu comes in.pragya was shocked to see abhi's pic in her hand but none noticed it. Pragya looks pale at riya and stands near the door. Abhi turns as tanu shouts asking what happened while entering and looks at pragya who was standing lost in her thoughts.Abhi moves to her asking why you came here..tanu,she didn't listen to me and was stubborn to come here.but pragya was looking at riya only. Abhi looks at her and the direction and he hugs her immediately to divert her mind as she is already weak. But pragya was not taking her eyes from her. She knows that riya is his best friend and could not doubt but heart was saying that riya loves him. She always see hatred for her in her eyes and now she wants to know whether this hatred is for her friend or love. PRAGYA
was now confused more as what's in riya's mind.her thoughts were broken when abhi shooks her . He pulls her even more close and makes her to look at him.pragya looks into his eyes which she can see limitless love in his eyes.. abhi kissed her forehead asking  why you came here..pragya looks at him . Abhi, you are not feeling well and what's the need. Pragya , no I was. ..but before she could complete arjun shouts abhi..start the car..let's go to hospital...Abhi in rush, pragya..go to hostel safe..tanu take her and leaves from there. Arjun takes riya in her arms and nikkil ,purab ,tanu left from there. Pragya looks around her room.  There is full of abhi and her pics. PRAGYA could not control her tears. She thinks i am doubting on how can i could see love for me...but what if riya too loves him. She looks at the table where a diary is placed.Pragya  to herself, i's wrong to read someone's diary but to know the truth I have no options. She opened it and was shocked to see..MY LOVE ABHI ... pragya closed it as she got the answer for her question.pragya with much hurted was about to leave when riya's Phone ring...she looked around and found her phone on bed..before she could reach it ended.she looks at the wallpaper and it's abhi's pic...pragya now cries seeing her love loved by someone. She hears foot steps and brushed off her tears. Abhi comes there and hugs her from behind before she looks behind her . Pragya in sad tone, abhi ..leave me..Abhi turns her to him saying did I stopped you..when you kissed me.pragya looks at him .Abhi looked at pragya who was trying to control her tears asked what happened..why you cried..pragya in managing tone, no..who said I cried..Abhi holds her chin says I know you cried..don't try to hide tell..pragya was enough now . She broked down to tears.Abhi pulled her towards him asking what happened .pragya in between tears,why it always happens to me abhi ..
Why the people I love most are leaving me.Abhi looked at her . I never prayed for my happiness but how can god snatch my happiness..Abhi,what u are blabbering. ..whom you are talking about..pragya thinks it's not time to talk about riya..let me talk to her first and will tell abhi. She breaks the hug saying i mean..I am just lost somewhere that's it. Abhi pecked her lips asking are you sure..pragya nods yes .abhi, you didn't stoped me . Pragya in confused tone, from what ..Abhi again pecks her lips and this time PRAGYA pushed him. Abhi laughs at her.pragya by playing with his shirt's button,you didn't leave to hospital. Abhi holding her more close ,I thought to go but when i saw you here like this ..I decided to spend some time with i think you are missing that you are blabbering..pragya nods no.Abhi,so today..I am all yours..let's go out and will make your mood Better..pragya nods and they both leaves from there .

     While walking on the road ,abhi asked what happened to look lost somewhere. .is that ajay came again..pragya looks at him and nods no.Abhi holds her hands and asked then what happened my baby..
pragya,nothing..I am just feeling tired.
Abhi,oh..then I will drop you.we can go out later.pragya ,no ..i am ok..Abhi ,pragya..why you are confusing yourself..there is no need..we can go later. Pragya , I am saying na ..let's go for a long drive..she looks lost saying may be this will be our last drive...Abhi looks at her confused.

Screen flashes between abhi's confused face and pragya's sad face....

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