chapter 54

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Thanks a lot guys... I think we are nearing the end of the story.....but a big thanks to all who supported me ...

It was early morning as pragya was getting ready. She was in a hurry as she gonna die in minutes. Bulbul comes there and looks at her in shock.

" are you okay di " bulbul asked and pragya looked herself in mirror.

But soon she continues her work.

" it's you who woke up in the early morning.. " she asked sitting on the bed.

She flips the pages of the nearby magazine and looked at pragya who was looking stressed.

" what happened di? Are you hiding sometging from me..." bulbul enquired her.

" I am not having time to explain and I am not hiding anything..." Pragya takes her bag and starts to leave .

Bulbul looks confused and thinks what happened to her when she saw her coming back...

" you forgot something..." She asked getting up .

" don't blabber anything to abhi..he might get worried. .." Pragya warns her and leaves from there.

Bulbul too accepts it and starts to concentrate on her work.


" what happened to her.. She is not calling me nor picking my call..." abhi thinks while reaching his office.

He was in bad mood as he didn't spoke with pragya from the morning.his tension ,his stress increased  thinking about her. He called bulbul but she tells that she is quite busy with her work  but it doesn't convinced him and he was worrying for her.

His phone ringed and he cuts the call in frustration.

" don't know who calls me now ..." abhi thinks and picks the call .

" hello..who is this..." abhi asked quite in anger tone 

" can I speak to Mr.  Abhishek mehra " he heard a girl's voice and checks the number.

" may I know who is this? "He asked with a confused tone

" sir actually I am your big fan and I really love you and I could not even think a life without you ..." she tells with a crying tone.

Abhi was getting more anger but he controlled it.

" listen...I even don't know who you are and I could not love anyone than my fuggy ..." he said politely.

" wont love me...fine..i am going to kill myself as i dont want to lead a live without you...but I wish you will be happy with your fuggy ..." She tells and ends the call.

Abhi was super shocked by her decision and doesn't know what to do. He feels like killing himself as He was stressed now. He wants pragya to be his side now but more than that he want to stop the girl from getting suicide.

He calls the police inspector and informs everything. They tracked the number and inspector asked him not to stress as he know that it's quite normal in celebrity lives. They informed that they will make the girl understand but abhi accompanies them.

    All reached a park which is five kilometres away from Mumbai. They were searching for the girl. Abhi was trying to call for that number but it's switched off. They could not find anyone in the park and it's empty. While searching abhi sees a girl sitting lonely on a bench.

Abhi gestures them to look at her and sighs he will handle her.  He walked towards the girl slowly not making any noise and stands beside her.

Abhi was feeling as she is more familiar to him. But he brushed off the thoughts and cleared his throat.  But there is no reaction from the girl's side.

Abhi sits beside her and he could not see her face as was fully covered her face with duppatta. 

" you didn't commit suicide..." Abhi asked and she turns away aside opposite to him..

" you know ... love is not to be forced..I could not love you as you like can't force me that I should love you by this suicide drama as if i acceot you too we will not live happy as I love another girl and could not even think another girl in my life. .. I am sorry as I am responsible for this condition but believe me that you will get a better person than me...."Abhi said and he didn't get any response and starts to leave.

" so you don't love me...." Abhi heard a voice and he quickly turned towards the direction.

He smiled seeing at her and rushed to her hugging her close to him.

" you know how much I worried for you fuggy..." Abhi asked by kissing her cheeks.

" are you sure that I will get a better person than you..."She asked pushing him and abhi smiles at her.

He gestured the inspector and his men to leave and surrounds his hand around her shoulder pulling close to him.

Pragya gasped by his sudden action and smiles at him.

"You know what....i was feeling restless without talking with you.. my day is not good and after seeing you it becomes a good day..." he tells while kissing her cheek.

" arey...why are you kissing like this ..." She asked wiping her cheek where he kissed

" why I don't have the right to kiss you..." Abhi asked and pragya smiles at him

" yes my lord ...but before that..."

" I have to convince sarla ma..." Abhi completes the sentence.

" you are becoming genius day by day ...." pragya praises him

" I am always ... " he said nuzzling near her neck.

Pragya pused him saying it's park abhi...

Abhi " so what.... you are always spoiling my mood.." he tells and parts away from her.

Pragya chucked at him and kissed his cheeks while hugging him closely.

Abhi was amused by her act and hugs her tightly.

That's when pragya's phone starts to ring.She attends the call and abhi was looking around to pass his time.

" what....are you mad...." She asked while the call ends.

She looks at her phone and abhi looked at her who was worried.

" what happened..." asked abhi.

" call mitali bhabhi...and ask whether bunty and bubbly are in home ...." said pragya

Abhi without questioning calls her

He cuts the call after talking to her

" what she said .." Pragya asked furious.

" they are out for their friend's bday party..." said abhi holding her hand.

"Abhi ..." Pragya screamed and he looks at her in shock.

" they are kidnapped by aditya...." Pragya tells while holding his collars.

Abhi looks at her in shock.

The screen shifts between their faces.

To be continued. ....

By aditi

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