chapter 62

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Hello guys... thanks for your support and here is the next part.. soon after reaching 70 chapters , this story will end .. I don't feel like adding more stuffs as it msy lose its  charm. 

Pragya watched the way abhi went , her heart pains heavily. She very well know , he could not betray her and just doing under the compulsion but she never want to share him with any one. A thought of possesive ness filled her mind . What might he leave her , she knew it wont even happen in her dreams but a fear floated inside her. She feels something bad gonna happen and thought of informing abhi. She was about to leave the caravan when she heard the unlocking sound of the door. She felt happy as abhi realised his mistake and gonna ask sorry to her . She thought to tease him as he made her to cry . She checked herself in the mirror and turned to have a look at him but was shocked to see the person infront of her.


Abhi could not concentrate on his works as he could still hear pragya's painful voice.  She is right !! He would have killed her if she did something like that. He felt bad for hurting her and want to repay it. He called purab to make a suprise dinner plan who now his head in disinterest.  Sure , he is anger on him and would have told everyone in their gang . Sure they gonna kill abhi for making such things infront of pragya. He closed his eyes remembering bulbul' s threat of making him to drink butter guard juice if he hurts her sister.

He was happy on other side to get friends like them who supports not only him but pragya too. They were more attached to her as she cares for them individually from the bottom of her heart. He felt proud to say that she is his soon to be wife and he believe that she will take care of his family in his absence.


" you...what you are doing here karan..." Pragya asked as karan closed the door. He was not the man she want supposed to be and his touches send a shiver inside her.

He never left a chance to touch her , hug her even infront of abhi who don't mind it. But it felt horrible for her.the more  she tries to move away from him , the more he nears her. Now in the absence of abhi , he started to meet and touching her hands makes to feel shame because of her inability.

Today he is smiling like an idiot and she could feel the strong aroma of the alcohol. Pragya tried to move but he held her hand in his tight fist. She could not push him and stumbles in his hold but he was stronger than her." Why men should be hard than a girl..."  she thought not it was broken by his hillarious smile . She felt discomfort and moved back. He paced towards her and she was stuck between the table and him. He moved his hands towards her chin , not able to be in his touch , she traced for  something on the table. The flower pot which was beautifully decorated got in her hands . Within a second , she hits his head with it and he falls on the floor unconcious pulling her towards him. She tried to hit him again but he held her hand tight with one hand and looked at the blood oozing from his head. " you have to pay for this pragya..." he said and turned her so that she was under him. Helplessly , pragya let her tears but didn't break down as  she want to save herself now . He gets a call and was trying to cut the crap when she again got a hold of that pot . When he turned to her , she hits him with her strength and he falls beside her. She stood up breathing heavily and traced for her phone. Her hands were trembling in fear and She was panting heavily. He was lying on the floor and was surrounded by blood. She tried to call abhi but his phone is switched off. She checks his heart beat and found himself dead . She could not hear his beat or could feel the breathe . She pushed herself back in fear and She is sure that he is not dead. In fear , she rushed out to search abhi. She was running like a mad and atlast she saw him sitting with ritika. Pragya reached him and abhi was shocked to see her face which eas covered with fear and sweat.

" what happened pragya.. why you are ..." before abhi could finish she hugged him letting her tears out which she was holding back.

Abhi pats her back as she was shivering little . Ritika too asked abhi to take care and left leaving privacy for them.

Breaking the hug " abhi...I killed karan... he is dead because of me..." she said in a single uneven breath .

" what " abhi asked with an unbelievable look. He very well knew , she can't do anything like this and might be some misunderstandings.

" abhi...come with me ...I will show you.." she said taking him to his caravan. With no options left abhi follows her. She opened the door and showed the place where she hit karan. She could not see the place and was asking abhi to look at him.

Abhi folds his hand which makes pragya to frown at him. He is looking cool at her after seeing what she have done and he gave her a questioning look.

Pragya turned back to see no one there nor the traces of blood. He is not there and abhi surrounds his hand around her shoulder.

" where is he? I think you are stressing you so much and you are..." abhi said making her to sit. He passed her a glass of water and she took a sip of it. " you mean..I am hallucinating ... but trust me abhi..I hit him and i used the pot which was on that table ..." she said pointing at the table but the flower pot was there in its place .

Pragya looked confused at abhi and very well knew he will not believe her now. But she hit him and there was no trace of it. Abhi turned pragya towards him and kissed her forehead.  She didnt looked at him while he held her chin in his palm.

" cant even hurt anyone and i think it might be prank of him making you fear. .. so don't stress yourself and think it's just a dream.  I will ask purab to take you home and we will meet in the evening..." he said still she is not convinced.

" really... he want to make her fear. But why he should do.. yes..might be it's his plan to trap me. I could find out once I see him next time. " pragya thought and felt her lips were sucking by him. She smiled in his kiss and he deepened the kiss.

After sometime , he broke the kiss making his way to her neck. She felt relaxed in his embarace while he pulled himself away from her.

" they must be waiting for me... let me go and you go home safe " he said pecking her lips for last time.

Pragya went out with abhi and she looked at purab who is already waiting for her. " go home safe..." he said and moved from there. While purab and pragya started their way to home.

" as abhi said i should forget it.. He is trying to make me fear and i am not that much weak.. I should not think about it again..." she said to herself and the way to home spent purab and his crazy jokes .


At night , in abhigya's room :

     Abhi and pragya were sleeping peacefully and she was resting her head on his broad chest and his hand surrounded around her waist. Suddenly pragya gets a dream of karan trying to kill abhi by placing a gun on his head . She started to feel suffocated and gets up finally confirming its a dream.  She felt thirsty and finds the bottle empty ( why it must be empty in all time ) . She moved to the kitchen and opened the fridge getting a water bottle. She drinks when she heard a sound near the window . She turned closing the water bottle with the cap and looked at the direction when she saw a shadow of a man running across on the wall above the window. She turned opposite to see the person but she missed as he left. Not to think more , she starts to move when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She got freezed and screen shifts between their faces.

To be continued

By aditi...

  How was it guys.... hope you might have guessed my story line and it's quite different I tried... let's see what will happen next and dont forget to press ☆ button.

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