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"This is you and Soonyoung on your sixteenth birthday," my mom says, handing me what must be the 100th picture today. "I love this one. Look how happy you both look!"

It's true; wide grins and amused eyes, similarly to the photograph Soonyoung himself showed me yesterday.

"Mom," I sigh. "Please can we stop. I don't remember him and this is making me feel even more guilty."

"Soonyoung, stop the car!"

I can't remember him and it's quite possibly the most frustrating thing I've ever endured.

"One more," mom insists, fumbling to find another. "Oh, this is a photograph of you and Hansol!"

I examine the photo carefully, smiling at the silly faces we're pulling. Matching lilac caps sit loosely on our heads and our grins are wide. My heart churns and I hand it back to my mom, uttering a loud sigh.

"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me remember but it isn't going to work."

"Sweetie, I just want what's best for you. You were head over heels for Soonyoung and you and Hansol were inseparable."

"I've heard."

Before mom can pester me further, the door clicks and Hansol steps inside, offering a small, awkward wave. I smile as he sits beside the bed and on the spare chair.

"I brought you something." He says, placing a packet of salted crackers on the mattress.

"My favourite," I smile. "Thanks, Hansol."

"You're so drunk!" Hansol laughs, struggling to keep me upright as we stumble up the pavement leading to my house.

"No I'm not!" I whine in protest, giggling profusely. "I only had three glasses. Or maybe seven -- I don't know."

"Your mom is going to kill you."

"She'll be fine." I insist, struggling to open the door with my double vision.

It swings open and we're immediately met with my mom's furious face.

"Get inside, Nari and go straight to bed. Hansol, you can sleep on the couch."

"Thanks, Mrs Lee. You're a lifesaver. I love you."

"Go to sleep, Hansol."

"Hey, Nari," Soonyoung's voice interrupts me from drifting off. "Good news!"

"Dude, she was almost asleep." Hansol whines and Soonyoung instantly looks guilty.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's not as though I need the sleep. I've had four months of that."

Soonyoung laughs, a familiar smile on his face. The smile isn't familiar from my past memories with him, but from the tonnes of photographs my mom showed me this morning. 

"Anyway, what's the good news?" I ask as Soonyoung sits on the edge of my bed.

"I was just talking to the nurse and she told me the best news ever!" He says excitedly, his tone similar to that of a child's. "She said we can go home this Sunday."


Soonyoung's grin falters slightly.

"Yeah, um, we live together. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

"Oh," I mumble, somewhat uncomfortable. "It's okay."

I don't particularly want to live with a stranger. I only remember living with my mom. I don't remember leaving home.

"Is that okay with you, Nari?" Hansol asks, brows furrowed slightly.

"Soonyoung, stop the car!"

"Yeah, it's fine."

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