• twenty •

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honestly guys i really recommend you listed to either one of these songs for this chapter: golden by travie mccoy ft sia orrrrr just hold on by louis tomlinson and steve aoki. they give you the feels

prepare yourselves

Around midway through the movie, I notice Soonyoung's arm that is wrapped around my shoulder is limp, his breathing soft. Hansol glances towards us and nods, silently informing me he's asleep. I push his heavy arm off me gently and motion to Hansol to go into the bedroom, the only place where we can talk in privacy besides the bathroom. 

"What's wrong, Nari?" Is the first thing he asks me. 

I've been pretty indiscreet tonight about the fact there's something bothering me. I can't even look Soonyoung in the eyes now that I know the extent of our relationship.

The more I think about it, the more I remember. There are some aspects I wish I never forgotten, whereas there's others I wish I never remembered again. Our relationship was far from perfect. 

"I remember." 

Hansol stares at me blankly for a few moments before something inside his mind clicks and his eyes widen. At first he smiles widely, overjoyed he's no longer a stranger to me, but when he notices my contrasting expression, it falters just as quick. 

"That's a good thing, isn't it?" He asks, confused.

"To be honest, I don't know," I respond with a sigh. "I thought Soonyoung and I were happy." 

"You were." 

"We really weren't. I remember the arguments, the fights, everything. I don't love him, Hansol. I hate myself for it but--"

"You can't blame yourself for falling out of love." He cuts me off quietly. 

Silence overcomes us and something that contrasts discomfort fills the room. I stare at Hansol as my heartbeat quickens, my chest strangely beginning to feel warm. I don't love Soonyoung. 

I don't love him. Maybe once I did, but now, there's nothing. Not even a spark. 

And I know he doesn't love me like he used to, too. 

If the accident didn't happen that night, he wouldn't have felt as obliged to continue our relationship. It was over the moment his foot hit that break. 

"I know I can't. But I can blame myself for falling in love." 


"What...What do you mean?" 

"It's always been you." I whisper before leaning up to him, hesitantly pressing my lips against his. He reacts, not by pushing me away, but my kissing back. 

The warmth in my chest explodes and travels to my stomach where a herd of butterflies is released. My heartbeat quickens once again and the feeling of completeness outweighs the guilt.

"This is wrong," He whispers breathlessly, gently pulling away after what feels like an eternity. "I'm the wrong boy, you weren't supposed to fall for me. I'm not Soonyoung."

"You don't feel the same?" I ask quietly and watch as his cheeks redden ever so slightly. 

"I-It's not that. It's just - I - I'm not--" 

"Hansol," I cut him off with a quiet giggle. "Stop worrying. Everything will be fine." 

"That's easier said than done, Nari."

"We can make this work."

an; she just did that

omggggg (fangirling even though it's my book lol)

wrong boy ➳ hansol/vernonWhere stories live. Discover now