• seventeen •

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since the number of the chapter is so relevant, i decided to make this a special chapter. all may be revealed soon...

"Nari wake up," I vaguely hear somebody's voice say. "It's almost noon, we're leaving in half an hour."

I open my eyes slowly and see Soonyoung standing above me, a grin on his face. Too tired to respond, I just stare at him. He laughs and lifts the comfortable duvet off me, causing a whine to escape my throat, and begins to tug at my arm.

"Come on, sleepy head. We need to pack."

"I don't want to."

"Yes, you do. Come on. There's breakfast on the table for you."

"Fine." I mumble groggily and finally sit up with a groan.

I follow Soonyoung into the kitchen where a plate of waffles sits. We all eat breakfast together, although it's a little late on in the day to be even considered breakfast, and the atmosphere is surprisingly comfortable.

I've grown to really enjoy Mina and Jiyo's company; they're both so kind and funny. I'm really beginning to consider them as my friends.

"We need to leave in fifteen minutes," Soonyoung reminds me as he helps clean the dishes. "You start packing, I'll finish up here."

"You sure?" I ask and he nods quickly.

"Yeah, of course. Now hurry up or else we'll have to leave all your things here."

I laugh before heading into the bedroom. I pack away all my clothes and belongings in under five minutes, considering we only stayed for the weekend so I didn't have many clothes, leaving me time to chat with Hansol on the sofa.

"You know," he begins once I sit down beside him. "I enjoyed our little sleepover in my car."

My cheeks redden and I look away.

"Me too." I mumble in honesty after a few moments. He grins and acts as causal as ever when Soonyoung approaches us.

"Ready?" He asks and helps me to my feet by tugging at my arm.


We throw our bags into the trunk and climb into Hansol's car. Seokmin, ever so kindly, allows me to sit in the passenger seat whilst him and Soonyoung sit in the back seats. The same seats which Hansol and I slept on together.

Every single thing at the minute seems to lead back to him.

The car journey is awkward and I'm not sure why; I thought the tension had been cleared - for a little while, at least. I turn up the volume of Hansol's CD in an attempt to fill the uncomfortable atmosphere. It doesn't exactly work.

"So," I cough, turning in my seat slightly. "Did you guys have fun this weekend?"

Really, Nari? That wasn't exactly the greatest conversation starter considering the awkwardness of our stay.

"I did." Seokmin speaks up before Soonyoung can. His eyes glisten as he smiles and I wonder how it's humanly possible to smile quite so wide.

I look at Soonyoung expectantly but he doesn't respond. He was in a good mood this morning which makes it even more frustrating. Unsubtly, I roll my eyes and rotate back in my seat so that I'm facing forward again.

I look through the glass and see a white truck moving towards us in the opposite lane. My eyes stare at it with an unusual sense of familiarity.

It drives slowly passed us and I turn in my seat, watching it drive further down the road. That truck seems just so familiar---

My mind is suddenly hazed with a bright, white light. A sharp pain surges through my skull and I hurl over slightly, by hands gripping the back of my head. What is happening to me?

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