• seven •

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It's almost 4am when we arrive back to the apartment, Hansol and Seokmin alongside us. They collapse onto the two couches whilst I guide Soonyoung to my -- our -- room. They're all pretty drunk whereas I only drank lemonade all night.

The weight from his body disappears as soon as he falls onto the mattress, causing me to sigh in relief. Within seconds I hear muffled snoring coming from him.

That's when I realise I have nowhere to sleep tonight.

"Why are you crying, Nari?"

"Can I please stay here tonight? I can't go home."

"What happened?" He asks, stepping aside so I can enter. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm not okay."

I find a spare blanket shoved in the back of the wardrobe, thank god. As quietly as humanly possible, I lay it onto the floor in the living area (the bedroom is too small) and steal a few cushions from Seokmin's sofa. 

Sleeping on the floor isn't the most ideal nor comfortable of situations, to be frank. I twist and turn for at least an hour until I hear shuffling beside me. 

"Nari? Is that you?" I hear Hansol mumble groggily. 

I can barely see him due to the lack of light, but I can see his shadow now sitting up on the sofa. 

"Yeah." I whisper back, not wanting to wake Seokmin. 

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" 

"Where else was I supposed to sleep? You and Seokmin stole the sofas and Soonyoung is passed out on the bed."

"We're just friends, I don't see you in that way. I'm sorry." 

"Just promise me one thing, Nari. Please don't tell Soonyoung." 

"You can sleep on here." Hansol says, sitting up more. 

"It's okay, I'm quite comfortable down here," I lie through my teeth, a sarcastic chuckle escaping my lips. "I wouldn't make you sleep on the floor, anyway."

"Who said I'd be sleeping on the floor?" It's dark but I can see a smirk on his face. I laugh. 

"But Soonyoung--"

"He won't care. It's not the first time we've slept together -- I don't mean -- wrong choice of words, you know what I meant."

I giggle which spurs a groan from Seokmin. Covering my mouth to stifle a laugh, I pray he won't wake up; he's a pretty annoying drunk, not going to lie. Hansol, however, is practically the same as he is sober, just a tad more melodramatic and clumsy, like now. 

"Come on, Nari. I don't want to be responsible for your spine being damaged." Dramatic.

"Fine, whatever. But we're sleeping head-to-toe."

"Fine by me." He smiles, lifting up the duvet so I can climb underneath. Finally some warmth and a surface that isn't laying thinly above hard wooden flooring.

"Goodnight, Hansol." I whisper after a few minutes. Silence. I assume he's sleeping. 

"Goodnight, Nari."

"Soonyoung, I have something to tell you. Promise me you won't get mad."

an; thanks for reading! please vote <3

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