• twenty six •

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Soonyoung leaves for work at around midday, promoting me to text Hansol for him to come over. As I wait the twenty minutes it takes him to arrive, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly guilty. I need to tell Hansol what happened between Soonyoung, I know that, but I can't bring myself to utter the words aloud even when I'm alone.

I took a morning after pill earlier, just in case. I'm not prepared for a mini Soonyoung running around anytime soon; the fully grown one is stressful enough.

When Hansol finally arrives, he knocks at the door once, twice, then opens it like he always does. I sit nervously on the couch as I hear him taking off his shoes in the hallway by the entrance. I suddenly feel sick -- sick with nerves.

"Hey!" He smiles widely once he sees me. Why did I do this to him? He doesn't deserve any harm.

"Hi." I smile and return the hug he gives me. I have the urge to kiss his cheek but fight against it, because I know in a few minutes time he'd wish I hadn't. Not after what I'm going to tell him.

"What's up? Do you have something to tell me? You have that look on your face."

"What look?" I ask.

"The look as if to say: 'you better be ready for what I'm about to tell you, boy'."

I laugh emotionlessly at his comment. He truly does know me too well. My fake laugh fades when I'm once again hit with the realisation of what I did.

"Soonyoung and I slept together."

Hansol stares at me, the smile still on his face as he blinks cluelessly.


"He was upset and started talking about how he hates how he ruined us -- and, I don't know -- one thing lead to another. I feel so guilty about it, I just felt so bad for him. I'm sorry, Hansol. You don't deserve this, you deserve someone better. Not me."

When he stays silent I sigh quietly.

"Please say something. At least say it out loud that you hate me."

"I don't hate you, Nari. I could never do that." He mumbles after a few tense moments of silence.

"No, no. Please don't do that."

"Do what?" He asks cluelessly, brows furrowed.

"Be nice to me. Stop it, I don't deserve your kindness. I basically cheated on you -- well not basically, I did."

"Nari, this situation is really confusing. I know the accident and memory loss was emotionally traumatic for you, I get that. Technically you're still together with Soonyoung, you just fell out of love with him. I don't hate you."

"But, why? I slept with him, Hansol. Even if we weren't secretly dating it would have been a terrible thing for me to do. You want to know why?" I ask rhetorically, beginning to feel my emotions rising. "Because I did it out of pity. I don't love him."

"It's alright, Nari. Please stop doing this."

"Doing what?" I ask with teary eyes.

"Blaming yourself for everything."

an; this book makes me feel so emotion i swear

questionnnn: what do you think of the new blankpink fandom name? (it's 'blink' if you didn't know)

personally i don't really feel it, but maybe it'll grow on me

wrong boy ➳ hansol/vernonWhere stories live. Discover now