• eleven •

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A tiresome, bumpy and hour-long car journey later, Hansol pulls up the car outside an unfamiliar cabin. It isn't located too deep into the woodland which I'm grateful for; if I somehow get lost, the nearest town isn't too far. 

I met Junhui earlier, just before we left. He's really kind and apparently he, too, was my friend at school. I wish I remember. He's meeting us at the cabin as he's driving separately, alongside Jiyo and her girlfriend Mina, who I've yet to meet. I travelled in Hansol's car with him, Soonyoung and Seokmin. Bad choice. The latter is constantly hyper, especially when his favourite song plays on the radio. 

"I already know this weekend is going to drag." I mumble into Soonyoung's chest. 

He pulls me closer. "Don't be so pessimistic, Nari. It'll be fun!" 

"It's torrentially raining outside. We're going to be stuck in here for two entire days." 

"We'll make the most of it." He grins in optimism, squeezing my shoulder. 

"God, I've missed this place!" Seokmin exclaims the moment he steps outside the car. I wish I could say the same. 

The interior doesn't jog my memory in the slightest. The cabin is just another place added to the list of: 'things Nari doesn't remember'. It seems really cool here, though. 

"This is our bedroom," Soonyoung says, pushing open a wooden door. He freezes slightly, looking away. "I mean -- your bedroom."

"It's okay. You can still sleep here." I surprise myself by saying. I seriously need to start thinking before I speak. 

"Are you sure?" He queries with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. If it's weird we can sleep head-to-toe." I tell him, simultaneously reminding myself of the time Hansol and I slept that way on the couch at home. It's been months and Soonyoung still doesn't know. 

Nothing happened that night so I don't know why I consider it a secret. 

I'm torn away from my thoughts at the sound of rain outside, tapping impatiently against the tall, panelled windows. I look at Soonyoung who sighs. 

"This is what happens when we decide to visit during winter instead of spring." He lightens the mood instantly as we make our way back into the living area. 

"Junhui and the girls are here." Hansol announces, looking through the glass. 

I watch as they run from the car and to the cabin door, their bags swinging as they rush through the increasingly heavy rain. The three of them take off their coats the moment they step inside, throwing their damp bags onto the floor beside the rug. 

"I hate you guys, avoiding the rain like that!" Junhui exclaims with a smile. 

I watch as Jiyo and Mina follow behind him. Jiyo is as pretty as I remember and so is Mina. Today, Jiyo isn't wearing her long, blonde wig that she wore at the club a few months ago. She actually has really nice, wavy and short hair. I wonder why she likes to cover it. 

"Hey, you must be Nari. I'm Mina, it's nice to meet you." She smiles kindly, offering me a small hug. 

Finally, I think, somebody who is just as clueless of me as I am them. 

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