• twenty two •

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As soon as Hansol notices the angry expressions on both Soonyoung and I's faces, his smile drops and he carefully walks towards us.

"Is everything okay?"

"Nari remembers everything." Soonyoung announces and I stare at Hansol.

He's either going to act clueless or admit he already knows. He's a terrible liar so both options aren't going to end well.

He decides to just stay silent and I can't criticise him for that; I wouldn't know what to do if I were in his position. Soonyoung's anger seems to heighten and he sighs loudly in annoyance.

"Great. Who else knows? Seokmin, maybe. Do you remember kissing him, by the way? Or did that slip your mind."

I open my mouth to retaliate but close it quickly. It isn't worth it.

"Dude, don't talk to her like that." Hansol speaks up, stepping between Soonyoung and I. "Why don't you give each other some space?"

"We don't need space." Soonyoung replies angrily.

"I'm just trying to help--"

"And we certainly don't need you to be our counsellor, either."

I stare at Soonyoung, wide eyed. I haven't seen him this angry since the accident.

"I'm sorry Soonyoung, but I'm not gonna just stand here and let you talk to her like that." Hansol continues to defend me and I silently pray for him to be quiet; I don't want him to face the backlash.

"You have no say over our relationship." Soonyoung spits back and I cringe at his choice of words. Relationship. This isn't a relationship - fighting and saying personal remarks to upset the other.

"Relationship?" Hansol seems to read and speak my mind. He laughs. "You don't have a relationship anymore. It ended the moment you decided to drive like a maniac--"

In a split second, Hansol is suddenly being pushed against the wall. A frame hanging beside his head shakes due to the strong force. I gasp as Soonyoung grips Hansol's shirt, pushing him against the wall again violently.

"Don't you dare talk about the accident. You know nothing."

"What I do know is that you were driving too fast, too dangerously. If you didn't, Nari wouldn't have gotten hurt--"

Another push.

"Shut up!" Soonyoung shouts directly into the younger's face. I cringe and watch as he shoves him again, and take that as my queue to intervene.

They continue fighting, pushing and shoving, shouting and insulting, whilst I try my hardest to break up the commotion.

"Guys, please stop." I say loudly but both of them ignore me. I try again, only to be ignored for the second time.

"You don't deserve her."

"Well, I have her. You're only the best friend."

What am I, some kind of object? Sometimes I think Soonyoung doesn't realise quite how ignorant he sounds.

"It was your fault!" Hansol shouts and everything afterwards seems to happen so quickly.

I watch the vivid glow of anger in Soonyoung's eyes as the words escape Hansol's lips. The latter seems to regret his words, too, due to the look of shock on his face. Soonyoung steps backwards and raises his hands, preparing to push the younger again, this time not into the wall but onto the hard flooring, but without processing it I step in between the two.

I feel two strong hands on my shoulders and within seconds I'm falling backwards. I hear a panicked shout just as my hip collides with the corner of the coffee table, pain chorusing through me instantly.

wrong boy ➳ hansol/vernonWhere stories live. Discover now