• twelve •

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The sky outside is practically pitch black when I hear Mina exclaim from the kitchen: "guys! There's no food!". Jiyo and I look at the boys - who assigned themselves organisers of the trip - with raised eyebrows.

"Oh," Soonyoung says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "That slipped my mind." 

"You're lucky I have a brain," Jiyo laughs and reaches for her backpack that sits on the floor beside us. She pulls out a plastic container and opens it, revealing an array of sandwiches and a packet of crisps. "But this isn't gonna last us all weekend, is it?" 

"It's better than nothing." Seokmin smiles appreciatively, reaching over to grab one. Jiyo slaps his hand away. 

"Hey! We can't eat yet. We've got to save it in case we starve." 

"Tad dramatic, baby." Mina laughs as she falls back onto the sofa beside Jiyo.

"The rain has stopped, why don't I drive to the supermarket and buy us some stuff?" Hansol suggests as he looks outside. 

"Isn't it a bit late for that?" Soonyoung asks skeptically. 

"There's bound to be a supermarket nearby that's open till late. It's worth a shot, anyway." 

"I'll go with you." I offer and he smiles. I don't want him driving alone in the dark, especially in an area I assume he's not too familiar with. 


I slip on my coat, say goodbye to the boys, Mina and Jiyo, before jogging to Hansol's car with him following shortly behind me. It's pretty slippery due to the previous rain, causing me to slip and almost slide down onto the mud. Almost. 

Luckily Hansol catches my shoulders before I can fall. My cheeks involuntarily burn as he helps me regain my composure, his hands never leaving my arms. 

"Thanks." I breathe shakily, a laugh breaking through my throat. 

Inside the car is so much warmer than outside. Hansol cranks up the heating and waits a few moments before starting the engine, his CD blaring quietly through the speakers. 

"Crap, I'm low on gas." He mutters as the car travels down the narrow, gravel road. 

"Have you been drinking?" I ask in horror as the car speeds down the seemingly never-ending road. 

"No, why would you think that?" Soonyoung asks angrily, turning his head to face me and not the road. 

"Soonyoung!" I shout and his head whips forward. He grips the steering wheel as the car swerves, just in time to avoid an upcoming cyclists riding in the opposite direction, toward us. I gasp and grip the sides of the carseat, my breathing ragged.

"I can't believe he did that," He continues angrily. "You probably let him."

I push my anger aside and it's quickly replaced by fear as he hikes up the speed. "Soonyoung, stop driving so fast!"

"Do you have enough?" I ask Hansol. 

"Should do. There'll be a gas station somewhere nearby, just in case."

We seem to be driving for hours, though when I look at the clock it only shows a time half an hour after when we left. Hansol gazes aimlessly through each window as he drives slowly - probably too slowly - through the unknown street. 

That's when I notice, we're no longer in a street. We're in the middle of nowhere. 

Just to make things so much worse, the rain outside begins again and Hansol's car abruptly halts. Typical, just typical.

an; do you guys like big bang? if you do, what's your favourite song?

mine is sober, what a bop that shit is

also, my favourite chapter is next! be excited (it isn't that exciting i'm dramatic sorry)

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