• fourteen •

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"Soonyoung, stop driving so fast!"

He ignores my cry and continues driving at a ridiculously quick speed. My knuckles turn white due to the harshness of my grip on the edges of the car seat. I've never seen him as angry as this before and I'm scared.

"One of my best friends," he mutters, just loud enough for me to hear him over the sound of the angry engine. "Out of all people, it had to be him. Didn't it?"

"Please don't be mad." I whisper helplessly. Of course he's mad. Still, there's no need to him to react in such a violet way.

He begins to shout an array of profanities in response to my useless request. He's barely even keeping his eye on the road.

I can't stay in this car any longer.

"Let me out, Soonyoung," I surprise both myself and him by ordering. "Stop the car and let me out."

"Fine!" He shouts, slamming his foot against the break.

My body halts forward slightly due to the force, hard enough for my seatbelt to achingly pull me back. I stay seated for a few moments, simultaneously shocked and angry at him all of a sudden.

All that can be heard is our breathing as we sit there -- in the middle of the road -- until a distinct sound of a vehicle approaches. I look instinctively to my side and through the window, my heart literally skipping a beat or two at the sight of an incoming truck.

It comes closer and closer until--

I wake abruptly with a foreign shriek escaping my lips. Everything around me becomes blurred as I struggle to recollect where I am. I feel the weight of somebody beneath me shift, causing me to lift myself up and take a look at -- who I quickly learn to be -- Hansol.

"Nari," he mumbles sleepily as his eyes blink open. "What's wrong?"

"I remembered something," I reveal with a whisper, still shocked myself. "I had a dream."

"What did you remember?" He asks, seemingly more awake as he sits up ever so slightly, his elbows supporting both of our bodies.

"S-Soonyoung -- we were arguing when the accident happened. I told him to stop the car and he did and--"

"Woah, woah," he interrupts me carefully. "Calm down. You're crying."


I bring my trembling hand to my cheek, realising he's not wrong when I find it's wet.

"We were stopped in the middle of the road." I finish explaining what my dream revealed to me.

"That's what Soonyoung said in his statement. The truck still drove straight into your car."

"But - but we were arguing," I insist. "I think it was my fault it happened."

"Don't be ridiculous, Nari. It wasn't your fault. The only person at fault was the drunken man driving the truck that drove into you."

I didn't know the man was drunk.

"It was my fault we'd stopped in the middle of the road, though. You can't deny that."


"He said something happened between me and one of his best friends. Do you have any idea what he meant?" I ask and Hanson stares at me, clueless whilst shaking his head back and forth.

"No, I'm sorry."

What on earth was Soonyoung and I arguing about that day? Whatever it was, it may have resulted in the accident.

an; oooo, how exciting! nari's first memory coming back to her

i really don't know how long i want this book to be, because i kinda want it to be short just so the tension and mystery doesn't die out, but at the same time i'm really enjoying writing this book lmao

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