• thirty •

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final chapter!! read author's note at the end! :) 

I push Hansol away the second our lips meet and instantly rush towards Soonyoung. He didn't deserve to find out in this way. I push through the crowds of people on the dance floor, desperately trying to reach him before he has the opportunity to leave.

"I'm so sorry." Is the first thing I say to him, slightly breathless. He shakes his head sadly and looks away.

"You don't need to apologise," he says hoarsely just as Hansol appears behind me. "I've thought this was happening for weeks now."

"You didn't deserve to find out like that, we're sorry." Hansol speaks up, catching onto the situation.

I'm glad he didn't kiss me just because he knew I was looking at Soonyoung. It was just an accident. He shouldn't have kissed me in public anyway, but the intention to hurt Soonyoung wasn't there.

"First Seokmin, now Hansol," Soonyoung mumbles and I look away guiltily. "I always knew you were too good for me."

My heart cracks a little. "No, don't say that. Please. There's nothing wrong with you, you're amazing. It's just, I fell out of love."

There, I've admitted it. I watch Soonyoung carefully as he stares at me sadly. The others have gathered around us, smiling before they realise what's going on. I ignore their worried glances and focus on Soonyoung. 

"I'm sorry." I say again to him.

"Don't apologise. Um, I'm gonna head back home now." He says, turning away. 

"Soonyoung, please--" I begin but he's already out the club. "I messed up so bad, Hansol."

I should've told him. I was so certain he felt the same as I did that I didn't even consider telling him at first. For some reason I assumed that he, too, had fallen out of love. Yet here I am, being proved wrong in the worst possible way. 

"I've got to go and see if he's alright." I say to nobody in particular. 

Just as I'm about to make my way towards the exit, a gentle grip on my wrist stops me. I turn to Hansol with teary eyes and look at him expectantly. 

"You're not getting a taxi by yourself, especially not when you're upset. Let me come with you." 

By the time the taxi arrives, it's way past midnight and the sky is pitch black. Hansol and I sit in the back in silence, his hand resting comfortingly on top of my own. It takes a long ten minutes or so before we arrive at the apartments, and when we do, my nerves are anything but unnoticeable. 

"Soonyoung?" I knock gently onto the door and open it slowly. 

As Hansol waits outside, I step into the apartment and close the door behind me. Almost instantly I find Soonyoung sitting on the couch with a pillow resting on his knees, his chin resting on his hands. I sigh and drop my bag, silently sitting beside him. 

"You know, I thought we'd be OK." He says quietly and my heart shatters every so slightly.

"We are. Soonyoung, I'll always have a space in my heart for you. I just want you to know that." 

"To be honest, Nari," he begins, turning to face me with a soft smile. "As long as you're happy, I am too. At the end of the day your happiness is my most important priority. It may be hard at first but, for you, I'm willing to try. Anything for you."

an; thank you so much for reading this book! sorry if you feel as though i'm cutting it off short, but to be honest it turned out a lot longer than i actually intended it to be. the ending is a little angsty but i'm planning on writing a super cute sequel [UPDATE: I MEANT EPILOGUE OOPS SORRY], don't worry! 

i hope you all loved this book! i honestly enjoyed writing it so much. you guys are always so interactive in the comments and it makes me so happy. if you'd like to read more of my books, i have a few more seventeen fics and some bts ones. enjoy!!

goodbye for now, 

anna x

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