• fifteen •

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After several hours, Hansol and I return to the cabin, both exhausted. We called a service to fuel Hansol's car which we then drove back to the cabin. Both of us had no idea where we were, so it took around an hour to return.

When we walk through the door, I instantly notice Soonyoung's expression. I smile softly at him but he looks away quickly, arms crossed and jaw clenched. Well then. Nice to see you too.

"You're back!" Jiyo exclaims the moment she notices us. "We thought you guys had died until we got the message."

"Told you!" I say to Hansol who chuckles. Our inside joke seems to silence the room so I awkwardly cough. "Anyway, did we miss anything?"

"Soonyoung had a tantrum." Junhui says and everybody, besides my kind-of-not-really boyfriend, laughs.

"What?" Hansol asks confusedly with an uneasy smile.

"They're probably doing it on purpose so they can spend time together." Seokmin impersonates Soonyoung and my eyes widen slightly. What is that supposed to mean?

"I never said that!"

"Oh, yes you did! You thought they were sleeping to--"

"Junhui, shut the hell up."

"Um, I'm gonna go shower." I mumble, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

I swiftly exit the room and lock the door behind me, leaning against it with a sigh. What was that about? Nothing happened between Hansol and I, why is he so angry?

"He's my best friend, Soonyoung! Why is that so difficult for you to understand? You don't have control over me!"

"You're so damn selfish, Nari!"

"I'm selfish? That's funny. You're the one who cheated on me."

There's so many things everybody isn't telling me, I can sense it. Soonyoung knows more about the accident than what he's letting on, it's obvious, especially after my dream. We were arguing about something and it's killing me that I don't know what.

Pushing my thoughts away, I shower and change into fresh clothes. There's still and evident tension when I walk back into the living area. The only people talking are Mina and Jiyo, as if they're in their own little bubble, whilst the boys are totally silent. I bite my lip as I take a seat beside Soonyoung who blatantly ignores me.

After a few minutes the silence becomes too uncomfortable. I cough again and stand up, turning to face Soonyoung who remains stubborn and unwavering.

"Could I please talk to you about something?"

"Sure." He mumbles but doesn't move. I sigh.

"In private."

"I guess."

He follows me into the bedroom and I shut the door behind me, smiling thinly. He sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me expectantly.

"What did we argue about on the day of the accident? In the car, to be exact."

He looks at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen him show.


"I know something happened so tell me. Start from the beginning."

wrong boy ➳ hansol/vernonWhere stories live. Discover now