• twenty four •

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"I think we need to talk, Nari."

I look up from my book and to Soonyoung, who stands by the doorframe with a hesitant expression. Nodding slowly, I watch as he takes a seat on the couch opposite me. 

"First of all, I want to apologise for what happened yesterday. You were never meant to get hurt, not again." 

"It's OK, I forgive you." I say honestly. 

"I'm also sorry if I forced you into a relationship with me so quick. If you want to try again, I'm willing. We don't need to go so quick this time." 

I freeze slightly and look away. Do I love Soonyoung? I do, but not like that, not anymore. There'll always be a part of my heart that still loves him but that isn't enough. The only thing is, is that I don't want to hurt him. Despite his flaws he is precious, kind and loving. I don't want to hurt him. 

"I don't know, Soonyoung..." I trail off as my mind speaks on its own accord. "I don't know what to think at the moment. Everything is a mess." 

"I'm not going to push you into anything so don't worry about it. Give yourself some time to think about it, OK?" 

"Okay." I smile wearily. 

I haven't seen Seokmin since I remembered what happened between us, and honestly, I don't know if I want to. Things between us are probably going to be awkward from now on. 

"Why did you pretend to be friends with Seokmin? You know, after what happened and the accident." I ask and Soonyoung shrugs slightly. 

"I guess I just felt so guilty about what happened, that all of the anger I had for him suddenly turned against myself. I hated myself for so long, Nari. And you weren't there to comfort me and play with my hair like you always used to." 

I smile sadly at the memories. When Soonyoung's aunty passed after a long battle with sickness, for hours we'd sit up as I'd run my hands through his hair. He oddly found it comforting and it helped him relax.

"Every night, I'd go home to an empty apartment and sleep in an empty bed. I'd visit you everyday, praying that you would wake up at any moment. You never did. Nightmares of the accident would haunt me and I didn't sleep for months, Nari. Months. I was so lost without you."

My throat narrows as I stare at Soonyoung, the boy I once loved. 

"I missed you so, so, so much. But even after you woke up I managed to mess things up again. I've ruined everything, Nari. I ruined us."

I move onto the couch so that I'm now sitting beside him. He stares at me teary eyed, and when he slowly moves towards me and presses our lips together, I don't have the heart to push him away.

an; omggg dramaaaaaa

question: who do you ship nari with? 

this is a hansol fic but even i'm getting #soonri feels

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