• ten •

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The loneliness is beginning to seep back into me, like it did when I first woke. It's lingering around like a bad dream and I hate it.

Some days I'm perfectly happy - as I possibly can be under the circumstances - whereas, other days it dawns on me that these people are strangers. I'm living with a stranger, I'm visited by a stranger practically everyday, I'm now a stranger to them.

"Mind if I sit here?" I hear a voice hesitantly request.

I look up and see a blonde haired, nervous-looking boy beside me, a hand resting on the adjacent chair.

"Of course." I smile, returning my gaze to the book in front of me.

"I'm Soonyoung, by the way."

"Are you alright, Nari?" Hansol asks, taking a seat beside me on the couch. "You seem sad."

"I'm fine," I lie. "Just tired."

"You can tell me the truth, I won't say anything to Soonyoung." Hansol surprises me by saying. How does he know I'm lying?

"I just - I don't know - feel like a stranger. I don't belong here."

"Of course you do!" He exclaims, sitting up slightly so that he can face me better.

"But I don't know you. I don't know anyone. I want to go home."

"You are home, Nari." He reminds me sadly, placing a hand on top of mine. I stare at it.

"I don't feel like it."

"We have something planned that might cheer you up," he announces, quickly changing the subject and simultaneously brightening the mood. "Our annual cabin weekend."

"What?" I frown and he begins to explain.

"Nari, are you excited?" Seokmin asks, referring to our trip to the cabin Junhui's Aunty owns in the outskirts of town.

It's an annual thing that we do - the seven of us - Soonyoung, Hansol, Seokmin, Junhui, Jiyo, her girlfriend Mina and I. Every year during spring break we travel there for the weekend.

"I'm so excited." I say honestly, smile wide.

"Jiyo is going?" I ask. I pray she is; I know her and she's the only friend who's a girl that I've spoken to since waking.

"I rang her last night, she said yes. It'll be so fun, and who knows, maybe it'll jog your memory."

"I doubt that." I smile sadly.

God, I wish I remembered them. It's so frustrating not knowing who I surround myself with 24/7. They might all be murders for all I know, though I very much doubt so.

"You better start packing; we leave tomorrow morning. Soonyoung was supposed to tell you tonight as a surprise, but since you seemed so sad I thought it'd cheer you up."

"So, I need to act surprised when he tells me?" I laugh quietly.

"Yes." Hansol confirms.

I look down at his hand, noticing it's still resting on top of my own. He seems to notice, too, and pulls it away quickly. His cheeks burn and awkwardness settles between us.

"Anyway, I've got to go. I promised Junhui I'd pick him up from the airport. See you!" He says abruptly, standing and grabbing his keys and coat.

"Bye!" I shout but he's already gone.

an; wooo, another update

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I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! x

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