• eight •

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"Goodness, how many friends did I have?" I gape as I scroll through my Facebook page. I read over every message that has been left on my profile, laughing at some and frowning at others. 

Some people have written things such as: 'heard what happened, nari. hope you wake up and get better soon', and 'miss you a lot. wake up soon'. I didn't die but my profile feels like an online funeral. 

I scroll to a photo of me and an unknown girl, our cheeks touching and our grins wide. The name reads: Ahn Jimin, which is, again, a name I don't recognise. We seem close, like I seem to be with so many people, but I haven't heard anything from her since I woke. I shrug it off, we were probably drunk when we took that photo. 

"You were really popular, Nari - you still are," Soonyoung smiles as he takes a seat beside me, a rather large bowl of popcorn in his arms. He picks up a handful and offers them to me. "Want some?" 

"No, thanks," I say, my eyes still scanning the lists of messages. "If I was so popular, why have only a few people made an effort to see me?"

"Maybe they don't know you're awake. I mean, I posted a status and a photo of us to spread the news but a lot of people don't go on Facebook anymore. It's getting kinda old and boring now." 

I chuckle. "Facebook will never be boring. Anyway, I'm sure they would have found out somehow. Maybe they just don't care."

"Don't be silly," he grins, messing up my hair with his hand. Great, that's salt from the popcorn in my hair now. "I got a message from Junhui the other day, I forgot to tell you." 


"Yeah, our friend. He's visiting family in China at the moment but he said he'd come and see you when he's back." 

"Oh," I say, a little smile on my face. "Cool." 

Maybe I have more friends after all. 



"Are we friends with Jiyo?"

He laughs quietly, swallowing some more popcorn. "Yeah, we partied with her practically all last night - well, morning." 

"She's really pretty." I state, looking down at my hands. 

"Lee Nari," Soonyoung begins, sitting up and setting the bowl aside. He grins widely before teasing, "are you jealous?" 

I totally sound jealous right now. I'm not jealous. 


"Yes you are!" He exclaims with a loud laugh. 

"I am not." I state stubbornly, crossing my arms. 

"Nari," he says, a little more serious. I look at him. "Jiyo has a girlfriend."

"Your boyfriend cheated on you last night, with me."

an; sorry this chapter is a little short! +there were no flashbacks besides from the one at the end 

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thank you so much to everyone who reads this book! it hit 1k the other day and that's seriously so cool, it's been such a small amount of time since i published it

i love asking you guys questions, it's so nice to see what you all say, so...who is your bias wrecker in seventeen? 

personally...i can't really chose...it used to be wonwoo but then i accepted the fact he'd basically became a joint bias with hansol (kinda)so...maybe seungkwan 

or jun or hoshi 

i really can't choose i'm a mess because of these 13 boys

wrong boy ➳ hansol/vernonWhere stories live. Discover now