Chapter 6

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It was my turn to get my blood drawn, and I can assure you I was freaking out. I was frantically looking for a way out of it.

"W-Why do we have to do this why c-can't you just trust us?" I said in a hurry while stumbling over my words.

"(Y/N), is it? I'm not even supposed to let people into the building. You better be happy I even let you in  here." He said I didn't like him he was very sarcastic and tried to hard to make jokes. "(Y/N) please go with it. I'll go with ya." My dad whispered so only I could hear. "Ok."

Once he was done drawing my blood I got up to walk away and stumbled over nothing. Jacqui caught me and Dr.Jenner looked over looking confused. "She hasn't eaten well in days none of us have." She explained to the man. "I can change that." He took us to this elevator and we all cramped in. "So, why did you let us in." Shane said ruining the comfortable silence. "Seemed to need to get away from the things and you seem like trustworthy people. Except you, I'm gonna keep my eye on you." He said pointing at Carl. Again comfortable silence. "Are we underground?" Carol asked sounding concerned. "Claustrophobic?" "A little." "Try not to think about it." When we got into the room there was food spread out all over the table. It was spaghetti one of my favorites.

We were all talking and having a good time. When Dale said that in Italy kids get to drink a little wine with their dinner. Lori said "Well when Carl's in Italy he can have some." My dad on the other hand was drunk and said. "(Y/N) you want to try some? This one ain't that strong." I considered if he was ok with it, it couldn't be that bad. "Sure. Why not." I took one sip of the sour, sweet, bitter taste of the wine run down my throat. I made a sour face because it was really bitter. "Guess ya don't like it?" "Not really." I said "Ok more for me I guess." He said taking the glass he had poured. Glenn went to stop drinking but dad wouldn't have that. "Not you, I want to see how red you get." Rick turned to Jenner and said "I dont think we have properly thanked our host." Dad yelled, "BOOYAH!" and everyone else did the same.

Then at the same time Carl and I said "I'm going to bed." We looked at each other and I saw him go red and I felt myself go red. My dad just laughed along with Lori and Rick. "Ok." Then we left, I found the room with you dad's crossbow in it and got a shower. We had hot water and that was a blessing in itself. I laid out the futon and decided that I was going to let dad sleep there and I was going to sleep on my sleeping bag. I fell asleep that night and dreamt that it was after the apocalypse and dad, Merle, and I were sitting around a table with everyone else and we were all happy eating our favorite foods. That's where the dream ended and I fell into a dream less sleep.

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