Chapter 8

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Dad didn't notice until we got into the truck.

He looked at my leg. "Shit." He said as he got it the glove compartment. He pulled out peroxide and a bandage. We started driving and he gave them to me. I bandaged myself up before because dad was at work and I was trying to cook. The knife slipped and I cut myself. I also tripped on a shoe and landed on Merle's beer bottle and cut myself. So I put on the peroxide and, ofcourse, it stung when it bubbled. Then I wrapped the bandage around my leg and then sat back and fell asleep.

I woke up and we were on a highway in the middle of nowhere. My leg didnt feel as bad and it was just beginning to be light outside. I got out of the truck and everyone was out talking around the fire they had made. All the kids were still asleep. I was hungry and still had some food from before in my bag. I pulled out a can of peaches, ate half, then put the lid in to seal it again and put it in the car. I walked over and sat by Carol she was my favorite other than dad.

I asked dad if we could go hunting quickly so everyone could have some meat to wake up to. He said sure and asked how my leg was. I said fine and I ran to grab my bow and quiver. I ran back and we were ready to go. We went out and we had a competition to see who could get the most. Obviously dad won he had gotten 8 while I was close with 6. We got back and everyone was happy to have some meat. Carl and Sofia had woken up and were hungry. I skinned mine and cooked them while dad did the same to his. Everyone ate and we were going to leave when I saw a herd. I told Rick and he informed the entire group. We all got under cars and I was with Carl and Sofia. I could see Carol freaking out I was motioning her to calm down. When she did the herd had passed. Sof had got out to get her doll when two walkers chased her into the woods. Rick and I chased her.

We finally got Sof in a crevice and told her to stay there. She did and we quietly killed the walkers. Our went back and got Sof and we walked her back to camp where dad told me not to run away again. Carol hugged Sof while crying she then came over and hugged Rick and I. Then thanked us for saving her. We took to the woods to look for shelter where we came upon a church. We stayed the night then Rick, Shane, and Carl went to see if there was more food. They didn't come back so we headed back to the highway. My leg started to hurt and Andrea needed a break so we stopped. We started walking again when Andrea screamed we turned around to see a woman riding a horse and killing the walker that attacked Andrea. "Is there a Lori Grimes here?" She asked how did she know Lori. "Yeah." "There's been an accident, Carl's been shot." What? Carl. Shot. How? "You have to come with me Rick needs you." "Ok." She got on the horse. "You can't go with her we don't know her." My dad argued. "She knows Carl and Rick, I'm going." She said and the woman said "My dad has a farm about two miles down you'll find a mailbox, names Greene." And with that they were off. We went to the highway and we left for the farm. I just hope Carl is ok.

- I know this doesn't follow the show but I liked it when Sof was alive. She was inoccent and I think she should have lived. Anyways 6 days til Christmas. Until next time.


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