Chapter 12

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Ok dudes so I want to say sorry I know I said that her mom died in child birth in the first chapter. But, I found a more tragic way for her to die that will go better with the storyline I was planning. So, if you could pretend that didn't happen that would be great because I updated the first chapter so it doesn't say that. Anyway enjoy. ♡


He ran over "Will she be ok? Please tell me she'll be ok." He asked frantically.

"She will be fine she was just stressed and..." there was a tension filled silence. "And what?" Dad demanded. "Did anyone tell you about Shane?" Hershal asked.

"No the fuck does Shane have to do with this?" He asked getting annoyed now. "Well, Daryl, you see, Shane kind of, strangled (Y/N) last night. Rick said he would tell you when you got back. Guess he didn't do that, huh?"

Oh no, dad didn't even like if Merle got to close to me. This is going to go down with a fight and I only think one person will come out of it. "Hershal where's Shane at?" Hershal looked scared and hesitated to tell him.

"He should be at the barn," with that dad started to walk away. "Daryl, don't do anything you might regret later!" Hershal yelled so dad could hear through his anger. "What the hell am I supposed to do!? Sit here until he actually kills her? What do you want me ta do?!" He yelled at Hershal who replied with.

"I just want you to calm down now before you make a decision, that you will regret later on." Dad seemed to calm down a bit and that in itself calmed my breathing.

Dad stood there and turned to Hershal. "I just don't understand why would he try to kill my child. I didn't try to kill Rick, or Lori, or Carl and neither did she. So why kill her?" He said upset and still slightly angry.

"Daryl I don't know what to tell you. If Shane even touched one of my daughters I would have him dead." Hershal said.

"Thing is, I don't think I can kill him." Dad said. Dad could kill anyone if he had to. Why wouldn't he kill Shane? He tried to kill me for heavens sake.

"And why not Daryl he tried to kill your only family you have left." Hershal said. No! We have Merle, just not with us.

"Naw, I've gotta bruther we just don't know where he is. And 'cause I would probably be killed for it." He said and with that he left. "Not much of a talker is he?" Hershal asked with a smile.

"Naw, not really. He would rather be hunting than with people." I said. "He's not much of a people person."

"(Y/N) can I ask you something?" Hershal asked looking curious. "Sure, fire away." I said really curious to what he was going to ask.

"What happened to your mother, if you don't mind me asking?" As he said it is felt this heaviness come through the air. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

I was five and just starting school. I got dressed up in (Outfit above) my best clothes mommy had picked out for me. It was my first day and I was really nervous but mommy was driving me to school with daddy in the passengers seat. They always made me less nervous about doing new things.

We were one turn away from the school and we were turning because the other people had a red light and ours had a green arrow. We turned the corner and a car-carrier slammed right into us. Our car was upside down and I heard screaming and shouting.

I saw dad getting up. I was stuck in my car seat. He got out of the car and a cop car was there along with an ambulance. I began to cry because I was so scared. "My baby, my baby girl is in there." I heard my dad say.

"Don't worry sir we will get her and your wife out, ok?" The officer said. He opened daddy's door and looked inside. He first looked back at me. "There you are,ok sweetheart we are going to get you out of here but you have to be quiet, ok." He asked . Daddy came up behind him.

"Listen to him baby he'll get you out of there." He said and I felt better. My arm hurt really bad though and I kept crying silently. "Ok, I'm coming in." The man said.

He got me out and dad started crying when they got mom out but they said they had to put him and mom on a stretcher. He agreed saying "Just keep my baby safe for me." He said then he was gone.

We got to the hospital and dad was sent to a different room than mommy. They said mommy had to go into surgery to fix some of her bones and stop the internal bleeding. Daddy just had to get a few stitches in his head. Because of a gash he had there.

They had to 'reset' my arm because they said it was dislocated. It hurt so much I screamed in pain and they gave me temporary pain killers.

When they said mommy was done with surgery we wanted to see her. The doctor said we couldn't and dad got mad and asked. "Why the hell not."

"Because sir, she didn't survive the surgery." With that said dad broke down and started crying and screaming. All I could do was cry I didn't really understand that I wouldn't ever be able to see her again or tell her how much I loved her.

When I got my arm relocated they said it would be the most painful thing I would ever endure, they were wrong. Losing my mom was the thing that hurt me the worst.

"She, uhh, died, in a car crash, when I was 5." I said with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up." He said sounding very regretful.

"No it's ok really I'll have to face it at some point. Better sooner than later right?" I asked. "Somethings you shouldn't face alone, this is one of those things." He said. Maybe he's right.

"I just can't forget the last thing she said to me." I said in tears. "And what's that?" He asked concerned.

"She said, 'I love you baby don't ever forget that. Even when I'm not with you. I'll always love you.' Thats the last thing she said before to car carrier hit us."

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