Chapter 43

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A/N~ Sorry that I haven't been updating, at all. I hit a really bad case of writers block than had to go and write a research paper for school. I know this chapter isn't the best but it's something. Sorry it's a shorter chapter.

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

"(Y/N), honey time to get up." Carrie said one morning in early winter.

"No. Carrie it's cold."

"I know but we need to go on a run, Alex needs more baby food."

I look over to see the year old child sleeping in the corner.

"Okay fine." I smile as she gets up and walks over to him.

"Alex," Carrie whispered to the sleeping child. "baby, time to wake up." She always had a smile on her face when talking to him.

The boy moved slightly as he opened his eyes. He stared right at me as he smiled.

He looked at Carrie, stood up and hugged her.

"Morning baby." She smiled.

"Morn' ma-ma." He said with only a bit of difficulty.

He's been getting better at speaking lately.

"(N/N)." He said walking over slightly.

"(N/N)." He kept saying over and over getting clearer each time he said it.


I startled awake as Alex shook my shoulders. 

"You're crying." He said as he wiped your face. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing bud, just bad dreams." I smiled at him.

"I get those too, but mine are about the monsters."

"And what makes you think mine aren't?" I said, there was every reason to be afraid of them.

Especially when they are literally trying to eat you alive.

"Because you get rid of the monsters. You save me from them."

I smiled. "My monsters are different, but monsters all the same. ... How'd you sleep last night?"

"Good, you kept me safe." He smiled.

I noticed he had his one hand tucked behind his back.

"Whatcha got there bud?"

"Breakfast." He grinned handing me a granola bar. "I ate but I thought you'd be hungry."

"Thanks." I smiled, he was the sweetest kid, he'll be as sweet as his mother.

"Morning kid." Dad said as he walked past. "You wanna shoot the crossbow maybe throw some knives then?"

"Sure why not. Maybe I'll teach Carl to use a crossbow."

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