Chapter 15

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(F/b)~ favorite book

The next day I woke up to Carl, "(Y/N), it's time to get up. Come on you're going to miss breakfast."

I just lied there and stared at the ceiling. "Ok." I finally said.

Then he got up and started rushing to the opening in the tent. "Aren't you coming?"
He asked sounding very worried.

"No. What's the point of eating the little food we have left if we are going to die anyway?" The truth was I just wanted to be by myself and grieve knowing that Dale died the day before my birthday.

"DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!!! We are going to live. We will survive this which means that you are surviving too." He said while basically yanking me to my feet.

"Fine. Don't expect me to say much though." I said regretting even waking up at all. This was going to be the worst.

"Maggie and Beth got the eggs from the chickens and they have potatoes and bacon. Doesn't that sounds great?" He said with a smile while we walked to the fire.

"Sounds wonderful." I said starting to cheer up at the sound of having meat other than squirrel or deer.

Then I saw dad and Jimmy, Beths boyfriend, digging the grave for Dale. It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered all the times I could have talked to him, and didn't.

Carl turned and looked at me as I turned my head away not wanting him to see me cry again.

"Hey, don't cry." He said while wiping away the stray tear that fell. Then he looked me in the eye and smiled. "Race ya?" He said.

"I would win." I said. "Bye how much?" He questioned.

"Is that a challenge Grimes?" I said I never backed out of challenges. Mostly if it was a dare or race of any kind.

"Yeah its a challenge. Winner gets the losers..." Then he stopped as if to think. Where was he even going with that.

"Aw never mind. We go on three, ok?" He said with his mischievous smile of his.

"Ok?" He looked at the fire and yelled, "THREE!"

He took off. "That's not fair!" I yelled and started running after him. We were right beside each other and we made it there at the same time.

"What are you two up to?" Carol asked.

"Racing." I said. "And hungry." Carl said.

"Ok. Then, here you go." She said handing us our plates. "Thank you." We said in sinc.

Carol just laughed at us as we sat down next to each other to eat. Sofia had wandered off the day before Dale died and we still can't find her.

"Oh (Y/N), I forgot to say. Happy Birthday." He said with a smile. "Thanks Carl."

I wonder if anyone else remembered? I forgot myself that it was my own birthday. I guess the apocalypse really does change you.

"I'm going to go find my dad. I'll talk to you later (Y/N)." Carl said getting up and taking both of the dirty plates.

"Ok. See you then. Thanks." I said. He was never nice like that he would normally just leave the plates outside to let either Carol or Lori to take care of.

I got bored quickly after and started for the house because I knew Hershal had a copy of (f/b). I saw it on his shelf the first day we got here.

I walked up and everyone seemed to be there. Carol, dad, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, T-Dog, Lori, Carl, and Shane.

~Sorry if I missed anyone~

Shane was passing guns out to everyone.  He turned to me with a look of disgust but said, "You gonna defend what's yours?"

What kind of question is that?! What does he mean? What's the thing that is mine that I'm defending.

"Yes." I said confidently. Thinking that I was just defending Carl and dad.

"The hell?" T-Dog asked. Then everyone started running to where Rick and Hershal had walkers on catch poles.

I was so distracted by the walkers that the only thing that brought me back was when Shane shot Hershals walker in the chest.

He shot the walker at least six times. Then, finally, shot it in the head. I took my Glock 26 out of its holster and shot Ricks walker while Shane opened the barn and walker poured out of it.

I know there was something off about the barn. Carl didn't have a gun and Lori wasn't shooting anything but a walker was getting to close to him for my liking so I shot the walker.

I then stayed by their side and other the walkers from there. I thought we got them all.

I have had such a nice birthday so far. Then we hear very light foot steps coming from the barn and out stepped Sofia.

I didn't cry this time though. I have become so numb to death over time here that I just didn't seem to care anymore.

Rick walked up and couldn't do it so I stepped in and said the words of my father. "Sorry Brother." That was it I put her down.

Carol was going to hate me but I had to do it. She would have to understand.

                                                        ~A few hours later~

I walked into the tent to go to sleep and dad sat there and unwrapped a beautiful crossbow that had something engraved in it.

He handed it to me and said, "Happy birthday baby girl."

I looked at the engraving and it said something I never thought I would see or hear again. My favorite quote.


Fuck Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise

"Thank you daddy. I love it." And that night I fell asleep with my brand new, and engraved, crossbow.

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now