Chapter 13

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Guys I'm very sorry it's been so long since I updated I've just been really stressed with school and everything. Not that anyone cares anyway.

I will try to update as much as possible for the days I said I would (Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturday/Sunday). I wrote this very quick so please mind any errors.

I'm done so enjoy the update.


Hershal sat there like the grandpa I never had and held me as I cried. I cried because I needed to, it was so long ago but I needed to cry to get over it. "Shhh it's ok (Y/N), it's ok. She's in a better place now." Hershal said.

"I-I know, I know that now." I said through the tears and memories. "She won't survive in this world." Hershal just nodded as if agreeing that she wouldn't make it.

"Sad thing was she married a redneck and couldn't even work a Glock 19." I said in a laugh. "Was never good with weapons."

"My girls ain't that good with weapons. Would you like to show them sometime?" Hershal asked. I thought that this question was the best thing in the world. I loved teaching things and I loved weapons. Best of both worlds I guess.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. "that would be fun." I said with a forced smile. He then got up and said. "(Y/N), never forget your mother, but don't think of the bad things only think of the great and fun things you guys did together." Then he left.

He must be the wised man I ever met, even daddy isn't that wise. After I got myself looking decent again, I went outside to find dad. "Hey Rick, have you seen my dad?"

"Hey (Y/N), no he went out hunting. He took a horse in case he got more than one deer and couldn't carry them." He said.

"Ok, thank you Rick." I said. "No problem. I'll let you know when he gets back." He said in reply. "Ok." I said and walked away.

Dad normally only took enough from nature that was needed, no more, no less. He didn't believe in taking to much from nature thought it was bad luck for hunters.

I decided that I was going to hang out with Beth she seemed pretty nice. I went back into the house and she was headed to her room. "Hey Beth, can I hang out with you?"

"Yeah, sure!" She said very excited. I like that about her, she is always happy. We hung out for the rest of the evening.

I heard Andrea and Shane saying. "Walker! Walker!" I went to see what was going on. Rick was telling Andrea not to shoot because Hershal wanted to deal with walkers himself.

Rick was walking towards the walker and I thought I heard him yelling "Don't shoot it's not a walker!" He wouldn't say that, that is definatly a walker.

Andrea shot but then Rick screamed. "I said don't shoot!" I saw him, Shane, and T-Dog walking with dad.

"No!" I screamed looking at the last family I had left being taken from me. Being taken by a Southern bitch like Andrea at that.

"Get Hershal!" Rick yelled and I ran back inside and told Hershal. He got all his medical stuff together and said to stay with Beth. I did as I was told, only because I was numb.

I couldn't feel, I couldn't cry, I couldn't even talk the entire time I was there. I couldn't take the fact that my dad was being ripped from me just as my mom was.

I didn't even move until Hershal came in and said that the bullet only grazed his head. I just ran up and hugged Hershal. "You didn't think I'd let him die on you too did you?" He said with a smile.

"Ofcourse not. Can I go in?" I asked I needed to see him. "Sure. Just don't touch his stiches." He said.

"Ok." And I was off. I ran down the stairs and went into the room he was laying there with his back exposed.  I slowly walked up and put the sheet over his shoulder so no one could see his scars.

He didn't like people seeing them.

He was asleep so I went over to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down. I waited a while but he didn't wake up so I curled up in the chair and went to sleep.

My dream was about my mom when we were at a playground playing hide and seek with dad, she won.

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