Chapter 17

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We got back to the house for dinner at the "kids table." Although, Maggie and Glenn were sitting there holding hands. They were really cute together.

They were trying to keep the whole hand thing a secret, but when your short you see things like that.

I nudged Carl, "Hey look." I whispered. "Wh- oh. OH. Are they like dating or something?" He asked.

"I don't really know. I think they should though, wouldn't that be cute?"

"Yeah," He said smiling. "It would be cute."

After we were done with dinner Carl was walking me back to my tent. Dad still won't talk to me. What's his problem.

"Night (Y/N)." He said running over to his tent. "Goodnight Carl!"

I then walked into the tent and dad just grunted and rolled over so he couldn't see me.

"What'd I do?" I say. He doesn't respond. "Answer me!" I yelled.

"Pftt." He said as he rolled over. What is his deal? "Whatever don't talk to me then, at least I have Carl to talk to."

《Daryls POV》

Who the hell does she think she is?! She was just supposed to teach Maggie and Beth how to shoot guns and throw knives. That's it.

Then Carl and Rick are here and when Carl gets a bulls eye she hugs him?!

She fucking hugged him?!?!

Kids don't just do that at 10 yeas old! Don't get me wrong he's a good kid but I fucking hate that he likes my daughter.

My daughter of all people. They are also in the apocalypse but still. Why my baby girl.

He is a nice kid and I am like best friends with his dad. That doesn't make me approve of him.

Maybe he's not so bad. What the hell am I thinking?! All boys are bad for my daughter.

~(Y/N) POV~

I just layed down and fell asleep wondering of all the reasons he wouldn't talk to me.

None of them have ever made him mad at me before what could he be thinking, did I say or do something?


I was running from a herd I couldn't find any of the group. Then I turned around to see a walker that was my dad.

I cried but put him down after what felt like forever. Then Rick and so on.

Until Carl, he was still alive he ran and hugged me while I was crying. Then he was taken by the herd and torn apart right infront of me and I could do anything about it.

"(Y/N) you're such a fuck up, you know that right? No one will ever love you and there is nothing you can do about it." Merle's voice said.

He continued, "You have no friends and never will. Your mom died because of you. Your dad's death is going to be all your fault. Now your whole group is dead becasue of you. It's your fault I'm lost."

I woke up in a cold sweat and dried tears on my face. I looked over at dad he was still fast asleep. I looked over at my crossbows engravment.


Fuck Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise

I don't know which one I am right now. I'm afraid that if I tell Carl that I like him he won't feel the same.

If I don't tell him will he feel the same way? Will I ever know?

"He doesn't care." Merle's voice said. "Shut up."

"I haven't even said anything yet." Carl said frowning.

"Sorry I wasn't talking to you." He gave me a confused look. "Then who were you talking to?"

"Just... no one. Forget it." I said not wanting to tell him that my fucking high-ass uncle was talking to me.

"Ok. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine." He said in a worries tone.

"Hey Carl? Do you maybe want to go to the city with your dad next time we go?"

"Really that would be awesome" He said enthusiastically. "Don't you think he'll let us?"

"Probably not." I said. "But it's worth a try." I said smiling. "Great!" He said with a huge smile. 

"That's why I like you (Y/N), you always so optimistic." He laughed. "We need that now."

Did he just say he liked me! No, no. He didn't mean it like that. Did he though?!

Ofcourse not who would like a girl thats own father won't talk to her.

"Hey I think they are going to town now wanna ask?" I said. "Sure, but can I do it?"

"Ofcourse Carl! Because I don't want to." "Ok!" He said running over there.

We both got there at the same time. "Hey... dad... can we... come with you?" He asked out of breath.

"Yeah sure Carl why not we have to go find Hershal we think he's at the bar." Rick said in the serious tone he always had.

"Lets go."



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Thanks for making this possible you guys. I promise a chapter next week.

Love you guys,


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