Chapter 31

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~(Y/N) P.O.V.~

I woke up in an unfamiliar place and instantly started to panic.

Where am I, where's Alex, where's Carrie?! All of these things go through my mind before I look around.

I thought it was all a dream. Finding the group was real. They're all really here.

I smile to myself, knowing that it wasn't just a fantasy that my brain made up.

They were all here, all living, all breathing.

I looked over at dad and saw him looking at me with the same expression I had woke up with.

Like he thought it was all a dream too. As if he was going to wake up where ever they were a few days ago and I wasn't going to be there.

He smiled, "Morning."

"Morning." I laughed getting up and stretching.

"Thought it was a dream." He said hugging me.

"Me too." I said looking around again.

"Want to go hunting for some breakfast?" He asked.

"Yeah, that would be great." I smiled grabbing my crossbow.

"I have to write Carrie a note first." I said pulling out a piece of paper and writing out hunting on it.

She hates when she wakes up and I'm not there.

I walk to the gates with dad and we wander into the woods.

It was just like the time I got a deer, except I was older and he seemed happier.

We shot ten squirrels and headed back to the camp to find everyone awake.

I took the squirrels up to Carol and helped her clean them.

We then started cooked them over an open fire in the middle of the camp.

"Glad to have you back." Rick said as he built up the fire.

"Glad to be back." I smiled skinning the rest of the squirrels.

"Carl went through a rough time without you." He said focussing on the fire.

"I had a rough time without him." I say looking across the field where he was playing with Alex and Judith.

I missed seeing him laugh and play. We had such a fun time when we were at the farm.

It seemed as though nothing could stop us. Not even the walkers could keep us from playing.

Those were the days when you didn't have to kill anything in order to survive. Or at least I didn't.

I wish I could go back to those days and just spend more time with them.

I like the days to come as well when we will take out all of the walkers in the prison, and live there until we can't.

It's going to be the safest place for us to be in this whole thing.

Everyone ate. I sat beside Carl as he helped feed Judith. He was so good with her, it was really cute.

After a while everyone finished eating and I saw Rick walking towards the gate.

"Everyone helping clear out the walkers come over here!" Rick said.

I look over at Carrie and she nods allowing me to go.

I start to walk over when Carl grabs my wrist and gives me a confused look, "You're not going, are you?"

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now