Chapter 27

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~smol time skip~

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

It had been a week since we found the house and we've decided to stay due to weather.

It's been raining for days now. We put empty water bottles on the steps to fill them up overnight.

Alex has gotten a little bigger. He's almost three months old now.

He's always happy when I hold him. If he's crying Carrie asks me to hold him.

He stops almost immediately. 

Lately we've been running low on food. I haven't been able to go hunting because Carrie thinks it's dangerous.

I have to, somehow, convince her that I won't die.

"Carrie I have to go hunting."

"(Y/N) I said no. What if something happens and I'm not there?"

"Nothing will happen. I was alone for a year before I even found you."

"You don't think I know that?! I know you can handle yourself. I just can't let you get hurt."

"I-I'm sorry."

"If you have to go hunting be careful. I can't loose you."

"Okay I leave in 10."

"Make sure you have everything and be back by noon."

"Okay, see you at noon."

I grabbed my crossbow and rope. I started to walk put the door when Alex fussed.

"Hey, it's okay I'll be back soon." I said tickling his little feet.

He laughed, he had such a cute little laugh.

I walked out and into the woods.

It was pretty cold due to the rain but other than being wet and cold I didn't have a problem being outside.

I saw a few squirrels playing in a tree. I hate seeing them play, it almost makes me regret shooting them.

But gotta get food somewhere.

I shot the three right in front of me and went to look for more.

I saw a few more up ahead, but there were also people.

I quickly, but quietly, climbed a nearby tree.

I made my way over to them.

Shit, not the group.

They were talking and pointing at something, but I couldn't make out what.

I got closer so I could hear what they were saying.

"Gareth, there's someone in the tree behind you don't move."

What was he talking about, there's no one in the trees- except me.

Fuck, he saw me I have to get out of here.

I tried to make my way back to the house in a big loop.

I got out of the tree after looking them.

"It's almost sundown, Carrie's gonna kill me."

"Found her!" I heard just as something pierced my leg.

"Fucking hell." I breathed as I started running.

The pain in my leg was killing me. I didn't have time to check it out.

I felt blood running down my pant leg as a ran.

I ran a full circle before running straight for the house.

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now