Chapter 21

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About an hour has passed since they went into the woods.

I got bored and started to clean my knives.

"How come your dad let's you have those?" Carl asked. I knew his dad didn't let him have things like that.

Rick thought they were dangerous and Carl would get hurt, even though he knows how to use them.

"Because she grew up around them." Lori said. "You didn't."

"Can I help you clean them?" He asked looking at my knife that had 'Dixon' carved into it.

"Sure." I said as I handed him the 'Dixon' knife showing him how to clean them.

"Would you mind if I had one? Just in case, of course." He asked timidly.

"Can he?" I asked Lori.

"Sure, but be careful with it."

I gave him the one that said 'Dixon' just in case anything would ever happen.

I started to clean my crossbow.

"How do you clean that?" Carl asked curiously looking at it.

"You take parts of it off and clean them." I said as I took out the bolts.

"That's really cool." I look over to see him smiling as I put it back together.

"It's something my dad thought me." I said smiling.

I was only six but dad insisted I learned how to clean it. I've remembered every step ever since.

It was about half and hour later and Carl said he was going to get a snack.

I just sat there talking to Beth.

Then the door opened and everyone in the room turned.

It was dad and Glenn. "Found Randall." Dad said after a while.

"Did you kill him?" Lori asked.

"He was a walker." Glenn answered.

"Was he bit?" T-Dog asked.

"Neck was broken, but no bite." Dad said.

"How does that happen? You need to be bit." Carol said.

"I guess not." Glenn said.

Dad looked over at me putting all my knives back in their places.

"Where's Carl?" He asked. Knowing that I'm always with him.

"Right, here? Where did he go?" I asked frantically. "Lori where's Carl?"

"He was just here." She said.

"So you don't know?!" You yelled.

How the hell do you loose your own son?!

A gunshot sounded from outside.

Everyone rushed to the porch, Rick came running back, with Carl!

The barn burning just behind them.

"Pack everything! We have to leave now!" Rick yelled as everyone saw the herd in the distance.

"Get to a car!" Dad yelled at me.

"Okay." I started to run towards the cars when I saw Andrea about to get surrounded.

"Fuck." I said as I started running to help her.

Finally I got there, killed a few walkers and we started running into the woods.

I looked back to see thousands of walkers.

Dad got out.

Carl got out.

I was safe, they were safe.

I ended up losing Andrea once we made it into the woods.

Of course I'm alone.

Goddammit why couldn't I just do what dad said.

I climbed a tree and watched as stray walkers past by.

I was alone again but this time I had hope.

Hope that dad was alive, hope that Carl was alive, and hope that I would survive because I have to see them again.

~Daryl's P.O.V.~

"Get to a car!" I yelled at (Y/N) while running for the bike.

I started to leave when I saw Carol was trapped. I turned and got her before heading towards the highway with everyone else.

We got to the highway and I saw Carl crying. Lori and Rick were there, what could he be crying about?

I looked around and didn't see (Y/N), I started to panic.

"Where's (Y/N)?!" I yelled to no one in particular

"Daryl." Rick tried to say calmly.

"Where the hell is she?!" I yelled in his face.

"I don't know!" He yelled back.

"No. No, no, no, no, no!" I can't loose her she's all in have left.

"I saw her run into the herd after Andrea." T-Dog almost whispered.

"Why does she have to be so selfless!" I yelled as I turned and walked towards the end of the cars on the highway.

"She gave me this." Carl said trying to hand me the knife that I gave her just before shit hit the fan.

"Keep it. She wanted you to have it." I tried to calm down knowing he was still crying.

"I have to go back." I said as I walked back.

"I can't let you do that." Rick said.

"Why the hell not? She's my daughter!" I yelled as I started tearing up.

"I have to go back."

"Daryl people saw her get out that means she's alive. If you got back, you might not make it back. Then if we found her you wouldn't be here." He continued.

"How do we explain to your daughter that you went on a suicide mission when we knew she got out. You have to stay here, for (Y/N)'s sake."

"Fine, but only for her." I said as I walked back to the end of cars and cried.

I can't believe I actually lost her.

She's alive.

She has to be alive, she's the only reason I keep living in this hell we call a world.

She is the only light left in my dark and lonely life.

I have to stay alive, for (Y/N).


OMG guys I just noticed that we have 6K READS


Thank you guys so much, this book probably wouldn't be a thing if I weren't for you guys.

So thank you, I will try to update again soon.

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