Chapter 2

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Ok so (f/c)=favorite color
(F/a)=favorite animal
(F/f)=favorite food
(F/n)=favorite number
Enjoy the chapter.

T-Dog woke me up when we were a few minutes away from camp. Andrea told me there was a very rude redneck that lived there.

I didn't mind. I mean how could I, I grew up with Merle the rudest redneck around.

When we finally arrived in didn't get out until after Glenn introdced Rick, T-Dog called me out.

I walked out and saw the one person I thought I might not see again. My father.

I started running towards him with tears flowing down my face as I hugged him for dear life.

"I m-m-missed you s-so much daddy!" I said though my tears.

"I missed you too baby girl, I missed you so much, promise me you'll never leave again." He said.

"I won't, I promise I'll never leave again."

"Can someone tell me who the hell this kid is!" Said a man with black hair that looked very annoyed.

"Guys this is my daughter, (Y/N)." My dad told the group. They all said "Hi" and waved.

Then dad looked around the group looking confused, then asked. "Where's Merle?"

Everyone either looked confused or scared to tell him. He let me go and said "Baby, go to the tent over there ok.

I'll be there in a minute." I listened to my dad and went to the tent that had the rest of my stuff and the rest of dad's and uncle Merle's things.

Then I heard the screaming and shouting of my dad and that scary looking man with black hair.

A little boy then came to the tent and sat to talk with another girl that seemed older than the two of us. They wanted to play 20 questions and ofcourse I said yes.

"What's your name?"




"Favorite color?"


"probably blue"


"Favorite animal?"




"Favorite food?"




"Favorite number?"




"(Y/N)!" "I'll be back we can finish this later." I walked out to see what my dad wanted.

"Yes?" I asked hoping they found Merle. "I have to go to Atlanta and go get Merle."

MERLE WAS IN ATLANTA!!!!! "Wait! Merle was in Atlanta!" I said confused as to why we left him there when we left.

"Yes he was," said Rick quietly "he was making trouble and I hand cuffed him to a roof."

"YOU LEFT HIM FOR DEAD!" I screamed at the man. "If your going I'm going." I told my dad.

"No baby I want you here and safe. I can't lose you, not again."

"Then I'm going so I can be with you. We can't lose each other if we're together." I said hopeful.

"Fine, but you have to stay with me at all times, ok?" "Ok." Then we set off for Atlanta.

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now