Chapter 39

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I walked into the prison, everything was normal. I walked up the stairs to see if Alex was napping.

Beth usually put him down for a nap around noon.

He wasn't in our cell but he was probably with Beth and Judith somewhere.

I went to the catwalk and looked out the window. It was actually a beautiful day.

I smiled but when I looked at the gates I saw Rick and Carl fighting walkers by the gate and a woman laying in the grass, probably wounded.

I ran back outside as fast as I could and went immediately to the gate. The woman was being pinned by a walker. I took my knife out of its holster and slipped through the gate.

When I got out I threw the knife and watched the walker die as I ran towards her. I threw the walker off and picked another one while Carl and Rick killed others.

"Glenn!" I yelled as I helped the woman limp to the gates.

I turned, only to be pinned to the gate by a walker. Why the tell does everything seem to happen to me?

I kept it's face as far as I could, the walker suddenly went limp.

I pushed it as I looked to see Carl in the weird stance he does every time he throws a knife.

"You okay?" He asked as he stabbed another walker, we always have at least two knives for instances like this.

"Fine." I said as I took the knife out and retrieved my own. "Let's get back inside." I said just as Rick killed another walker.

"Hurry." Rick said as we all ran to the gate. We closed the gates just before the closest walker got in.

"Thanks." I said hold in out Carls knife.

"You would've done the same?" He asked taking the knife from me and raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I would." I smiled shaking my head, "What has that got to do with anything?"

"I just want to know that I can trust you if a situation like that ever came up." He said as he started to walk away.

"Wait." I called after him. "You can just say random things like that without an explanation or reason."

"Fine." He said putting his knife in its holster. "I had a dream, you stood there and watched as a walker came and killed me."

He started at the grass like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"It was just a dream."

"But it felt real!" He yelled staring at me. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. You didn't do anything."

"It's fine Carl. I know how real dreams can feel."

We just stood there for a while, until I broke the silence.

"We should go see what's going on with that woman that was at the gate."

"Yeah." He said looking over and giving my an apologetic smile.

When we walked in we saw Hershal stitching up her leg.

"What's her name?" Carl asked when we got close enough to be heard.

"She won't say. She hasn't said anything." Dad said sounding very irritated.

He shook his head and stormed off, after saying that.

"Bit?" I asked as I looked at the wound.

"Shot." Hershal corrected as he cut the string he was using to stitch the wound.

"Will she be okay?" Carl asked looking everywhere but at her.

"She should make a full recovery, if she stays off of it." He said saying that last part to her more than us.

"Good." I said quickly before things got awkward.

"This her's?" Carl asked looking at the katana that was on the table outside the cell she was in.

"Yes." She said looking at us.

Hershal turned to her quicker than we did. We all had the same expression though, shock.

"I was beginning to think you were deaf." Hershal left as he finished wrapping her leg.

All she did was nod. Guess we're done talking.

The rest of the day went like most other days, we cleared out some of the walkers, helped around the prison, ate and we're about to go to bed.

"Has anyone taken food to the woman?" I asked. That's what we're calling her until we know her name.

"No, didn't even think about it." Carol said as she quickly made another bowl of rice and squirrel.

"I'll take it to her." I said as I took the bowl and grabbed a water bottle. "Does she need anymore pain killers tonight?" I asked Hershal before I walked by.

"Now that you mention it yes, two of the ones in the red bottle." He said as he put his dish in the pile.

"Two of the pills in the red bottle, got it." I said as I went and picked up the medicine on my way to the cell.

"I've brought dinner, it's squirrel and rice." I said unlocking the door and stepping inside, making sure to lock it behind me.

"I've also brought more painkillers." I said setting the water bottle down with the pills on top.

The floor isn't really that clean and she didn't look like she was going to take them.

"Thank you." She said as I was unlocking the door again.

"There's nothing to thank me for." I smiled. "I'm gonna get you a pillow and a blanket so the cot is more bearable."

"You don't have to." She said taking the medicine.

"Of course I do."

I found a pillow that was pretty comfortable, compared to most, and a soft blanket.

"Here." I said setting the cot up so she would be comfortable.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like you did anything wrong." I said turning toward her, she was at the other end of the cell.

"No one seems to like that I'm here." She said trying to get up.

I went and helped her up and walked her to the cot, "They're just cautious with new people."

"Understandable." She said looking up at me. "Why aren't you?"

"I am. I just don't think you're gonna do anything, that would be stupid."

"True." She said laying down. "Thank you."

"No problem. Night-" I stopped silently asking her name.


"Night Michonne." I smiled locking the door.


"(Y/N)." I finished.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." She smile as she pulled the blanket over herself.

I walked up to bed, layed down, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now