Chapter 22

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It's been a few weeks since the incident and I'm still on my own.

I haven't seen any people which is a blessing and a curse.

Is good that I haven't seen another group. I would be upset thinking that ideas with this group and I passed them without knowing.

On the other hand, I'd love to see my dad and Carl right about now.

I've been hunting all day but nothing seems to be around this part of the woods.

Everything must have either run away or died, much like people now I guess.

I get down from the branches I've been walking on, probably why there's no squirrels.

I finally get back on the ground. I walk for about a mile, give or take, when I spot a store.

There's endless possibilities of what could be in there.

Walkers, food, people, weapons, water, clothes, I could honestly kill for a new pair of combat boots right now.

I cautiously walk up and hit the wall a few times, there's only a few steps.

Maybe one or two walkers. I opened the door to see only one, I threw my knife into is skull before retrieving it and scavenging the store.

I walked around and found a bookbag. It was black and had many pockets, perfect. I walked down the other aisles.

Protein bars, two bottles of water, a few black shirts, and combat boots!

There were so many, but I choose the black ones.

I checked the rest of the store but found nothing.

I got back into the trees just as dusk hit. There is only one thing on my mind.

Will I ever find the group again?

Of course I am, I can't give up on them, even if it takes years I will find them.

~Carl's P.O.V.~

These few weeks have been hard on everyone. We lost people, people important to us.

Beth, Maggie, and Hershal lost Patricia and Jimmy. Lori lost Andrea, even though she was a bitch. The rest of us lost (Y/N).

I don't even know how I got through the world without her.

She's funny, kind, smart, and selfless, but she can also be mean, cold, and depressed.

Everyone gets that way. The only way to know joy is through sadness, and she showed me both.

She made me laugh and now she's made me cry.

But we will eventually find her. I know she's safe, she has to be. Like Daryl said, she's a Dixon, she's gonna fight to get back to us.

I just hope that eventually comes soon.

It's hard to live without her. Her smile, her laugh, and her Georgia blue eyes.

(I know not everyone reading this has blue eyes, but it's a book and Carl likes your hypothetical blue eyes. So deal.)

She gets them from Daryl, but lately he's been distant and quiet.

I guess I have been too, seeing I won't even talk to my parents.

I'll nod or shake my head but I haven't talked in two weeks.

Their worried, but I'm terrified, what if she didn't make it out. What if I never see her again.

I don't want the last time I see her to be her selflessly running into a herd after, that bitch, Andrea.

I know it's possible. I know she could be dead. I only care about the slight chance that we might find her.

We'll have to find shelter. We've been on the same road for weeks now.

I don't care how long it takes to find her but I will, even if everyone else gives up hope, I'll find her.

She's the only other person who really understands what it's like to actually grow up in this shitty ass world.

I really care about her. She's the only person I've ever loved that wasn't my family.

I can't loose her now, not like this.

After a few hours of walking we find a cabin hidden in the woods.

I was the one to elbow my dad and point to it.

It wasn't great but it fit all of us comfortably.

I was the first to walk in against many objections, I was the first to get to the door.

There was a walker, I had never actually killed one seeing as dad didn't let me have weapons.

I took the knife (Y/N) gave me and shoved it into the walkers skull.

Dad came running in after me and saw that I killed it.

It was the only one and I killed it, my first walker, with her knife.

I didn't deserve the knife it was hers she should have it.

But she gave it to me, sure I asked if I could have one but I meant to little pocket knives she had.

Daryl told me it was her favorite knife the other day.

Of all the knives she owned she gave me her favorite one, and for what.

Me to use on one or two walkers. I'll never get the use out of it that she would right now.

She's out there surviving on her own while I sit here with her knife with the rest of the group.

"Thinking about her?" Daryl asked.

I nodded, I think if I talk I'll break down, I can't deal with the fact that she's not here.

I just need her back and safe.

I need her here before I get completely lost in my thoughts.

~Daryl's P.O.V.~

I can't imagine what Carl is going through, yeah I lost my daughter, but I've lost her before and she found us.

He's never lost her. It's really taken a toll on him. He won't talk and eats only the smallest things of food.

Now I see exactly how much he liked her. I hope we find her soon for mine and Carls sake.

I knew they were close but I never expected them to be this close.

He always has the knife. No matter what he's doing he has the knife right by his side.

I don't know how much longer he can hold up. After the incident we learned that Carl put Shane down with Ricks gun.

I know she's alive and I know we will find her. The only thing in my mind is how and when that will happen.

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