Chapter 34

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~Carrie's P.O.V.~

We drove through the gates and parked the cars and motorcycle.

I saw her across the yard, she looked so happy playing with Alex.

I'm going to ruin it. I'm going to ruin her chance at finally be happy in this world.

She got up and started running over, this is it, I have to tell her now.

"You guys are back." She said hugging me. "You took forever." She smiled.

Why does she have to look so happy?

"Sorry, it was a long drive." I said.

Why am I avoiding it? Just tell her already!

"Oh I guess that makes sense. What did you guys find?"

Goddamn her cheery voice.

"We found everything we needed, blankets, pillows, water, food." I smiled, reaching into my bag. "And comics."

"Really?! Thank you so much!" She practically yelled hugging me again.

"It was no problem." I said putting on a pained smile knowing I'm going to ruin her moment.

"Carrie what's wrong?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"That's a fake smile. I know it is, I've seen it before. You don't have to pretend you're okay if your not."

"Sorry I'm just really tired, you know?" I asked trying to avoid the obvious as long as I possibly could.

"You sure?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go eat something." I said turning towards the fire.

A huge mistake.

"Carrie what's that?" (Y/N) asked while walking behind me. "What the hell happened to your shoulder?!"

"N-nothing happened t-to my shoulder."

"Carrie don't lie to me it's all bandaged." She said looking hurt and angry. "What, the fuck, happened?"

"(Y/N), I'm sorry." I said tearing up, knowing that I have to tell her.

"Carrie what happened, and don't lie to me!"

"I'm sorry. (Y/N), I'm bit!" I yelled already crying.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. She dropped the comics and I saw tears fill her eyes.

There was silence, everything that was going on within the gates stopped.

(Y/N) finally broke the silence which seemed to take forever.

"No, no you said you'd be careful! N-no." She said as she started to cry. "You promised."

"I'm s-so sorry. T-they came out of nowhere they w-weren't there and     t-then there was a herd. I d-didn't even know until we stopped for          g-gas." I managed to get out in between sobs.

"Why? Why do bad things always happen anymore?! Everything we do is for nothing anyway! What's the point in living if we are all going to die anyway?!" She yelled before breaking down again. "Why did this happen to you?"

"I don't know." I cried to myself.

"(Y/N), please tell me you'll take care of Alex."

Another long silence.

"I-I can't. I couldn't even take care of you. H-how am I supposed to take care of a child?"

"Please (Y/N), I need to know that he will be taken care of."

There was a pause it was a very tense and emotional pause.

"I promise." She said finally.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." I smiled. "You're the best."

A tear making it's way down my cheek.

"I always try to be." She said as another tear make a streak down her face.

I laughed slightly, knowing I said the same thing only hours ago.

"You know, you were like the daughter I dreamed of having. One that would take care of me and any siblings you had. Your father is lucky to have such a great daughter." I smiled at her.

Her lip quivered as she looked at me. As more tears streamed down her face she said, "Your the mother I wish I had. One that cared and always looked out for me."

"I'm gonna miss you, you know?"

"I know (Y/N), but you'll always have the memories and Alex. Make sure he grows up. Be the mom I won't get to be." I look up noticing that everyone around us is crying.

Even Daryl.

~Daryl's P.O.V.~

I knew it would be hard to watch Carrie tell (Y/N) that she was bit but I didn't expect it to be so emotional.

Seeing (Y/N) cry always hurts, but to see her crying because someone she really cared about is going to die, hurts so much more.

I didn't think it would. Not much hurts anymore, but seeing her this way is something I wished i hadn't seen.

I was actually starting to warm up to Carrie. She was a pretty cool person and she risked her life to get my daughter what she wanted.

Even though she told Carrie to only get them if it was out of the way and safe, she cared more about  (Y/N) than her own safety.

I didn't know exactly how much it would effect her until it did. When Carrie mentioned Alex I couldn't help but cry a bit.

What if it was me and I was telling someone to take care of (Y/N)? Who would I choose?

Carl, Rick, Carrie, I don't know but all I know is that it would be the person I trusted the most at that point.

Why does it have to be so hard to lose people?

Carrie's too young, if this shit never happened she would live until she was old and grey.

But no, we now live in a world where you might make it to 20, if you're lucky.

By the end everyone is crying. I can't help but join in. It hurts knowing that (Y/N) considered her the mother she never had.

It wasn't her mothers fault that the truck driver was drunk. It was my fault for not seeing the truck sooner.

We were too busy making (Y/N) laugh.

Now she will have no one that she considers a mother figure. I know she hates Lori, it's not hard to see why, and Carol just isn't her favorite person to be around.

But at least she'll have Carl. Even if she doesn't know it yet, she's gonna need him someday and that day might be soon.

I just hopes she might think about coming to me first.


OH MY God thank you guys so much for 14k reads!!! It means so much to me that people actually like this story and enjoy reading it.

I know I haven't updated lately but I'm trying. I've been binging tv shows these last 2 weeks and just haven't gotten around to it.

I'll try to update at least once a week but I don't know if I will get it done but it's a goal.

Hope you guys have a great day!!


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