Chapter 24

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It's been a week since I found the shack and I've moved on.

I have to keep moving and finding supplies. I barely have any food left.

I found a grocery store a few miles out with several cars in the parking lot.

Please be keys in here by the time I get back.

I walk in the store and find stale chips and a few waters in the first aisle.


The next aisle had knives and ammunition. That always helps.

The other aisles had some gas cans and other outdoor type items, not important.

I shoved everything in my bag and headed back to the parking lot.

There was a car at the far side of the lot and I decided to start there.

The car had keys but no fuel. I ran back to the store remembering that there were gas canisters in there.

They were empty but T-Dog taught me how to siphon gas from other cars.

I ran back out with the cans and tubing and got to work. I got all 12 gas cans full from the other cars that still had gas.

I put one in the car and was about to hide the others under the floor in the back.

Before I put the gas in I noticed several things of protein bars and empty waters.

I checked the licence plate, L.A. California. The poor people were probably on a road trip and got stuck in this shit.

I tore off the plate and got in the car. I didn't know how to drive but I was in a basically empty parking lot, it's a good time as any to learn.

I hopped in and turned the keys. The engine started and I put it in gear like dad used to.

I gently pressed on the peddle and moved the car forward a bit.

It took me an hour or two before I learned the basics. I then turned out of the parking lot and onto the road.

This is easier than I thought.

I now had shelter. I put the back seats down and layed the blanket from the shack down.

I loved having this car. I could now get everywhere so much faster. I had more storage and I had shelter.

I locked every door and fell asleep.

Today was a great day. I found a lot of useful things. I now had more hope in myself that I could find the group.

It was only a matter of time.

I would see Carl, dad, Rick, Lori, T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Hershal, and Carol.

We would all be happy. We would all be safe. Right now I focus on survival.

Then I can focus on them.

But for now I sleep and dream of the first time I met Carl.

He was so happy and nice.

I never really had a friend until I met Carl Grimes.

Being alone makes you realise things, feelings mostly, and I think I love Carl.

It could just be my mind trying to play tricks on itself from the isolation, but I think I love him.

Carl's the only person that I've cared about just as much as I cared about dad and Merle.

They are the only people that really understand me. They know when something is wrong and they know how to fix it.

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now