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Stiles was always first. He was always first to say 'I'm sorry'. Always first to figure things out. Even first to say 'I love you'.

That day was scary as shit for the boy. Scott had just broken up with Kira, and Stiles was there to comfort him.

"I hate myself for what I did. It just felt like a bad relationship. Why am I so dumb?"

Stiles patted Scott's back and pulled him in for a hug. His arms around the crying boys neck. He pressed Scott against his chest and told him to listen to his heart beat.

Somehow Scott found his breath and stopped crying. He just held Stiles as tight as possible. But he didn't miss the fact that Stiles heart was beating a little fast. And every time Scott shifted, his heart skipped a beat.

Stiles couldn't help but think that if they were dating that this wouldn't have happened. He promised himself that he would never make Scott cry. His heart hurt to hear the strong, true Alpha cry.

Stiles wanted Scott to be happy. Unlike he was anymore. He felt as if Scott deserved more than him, more than the world. But he couldn't give him the world.

So he gave himself to Scott. Everything he was, and will be, belonged to him. His body, mind, and soul.

Stiles closed his eyes as he imagined Scott laughing, and not worrying. His heart jumped and he hugged Scott closer. Stiles relaxed into his best friend.

Scott pulled back to look at Stiles. Stiles opened his eyes and immediately cupped Scott's face in his hands. He stared with adoration for him, and whispered,

"I love you."

Scott's eyes fluttered, as he couldn't believe what he just heard. He then smiled and heard Stiles breath stop. And he liked the effect he had on the human. So he smiled more, and Stiles tried to smile back.

But he just felt as if the world had stopped. He made Scott smile with three little words. Stiles had only needed a smile.

"I love you too, Stiles."

Sometimes Stiles didn't mind being first. He also didn't mind when Scott was first.

Scott was first to lean in.

The two had been dating for three months. And Scott was never happier. Which, of course, made Stiles happy.

The pack had figured out that they were dating. It was so obvious by the way they looked at each other. And Liam and Malia would listen to their heartbeats every time they were near each other.

No one said anything, but they all knew that Stiles was favorited by Scott. It was always 'protect Stiles', 'Your saftey is most important to me Stiles', 'It's too dangerous for Stiles', 'I'll go with Stiles'.

But no matter what Scott did, he couldn't keep Stiles away from danger.

It was a supermoon. Stiles had been trying to keep Liam chained up. But the wolf escaped.

Stiles tried running. Liam was faster and pinned the human to the ground. He didn't let him go.

Liam growled and Stiles whimpered. He thrust out his hand and Stiles yelled for Scott. He knew his boyfriend heard him.

Liam clawed at Stiles. Stiles cried out over and over.

When Scott arrived, it was morning. Liam was passed out on the floor. He looked harmless. But what happened and hour prior showed he wasn't.

Stiles was on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. Scott picked his lover up and brought him to the hospital. It was one of the times when they were in the others presence and not smiling.

When Stiles had come to, all fixed up, Scott was estatic. He jumped right up and kissed Stiles. He didn't even register what he'd done.

Stiles however did. And he was smiling so big. His cheeks starting hurting.

Scott kept telling Stiles that was sorry about leaving him with Liam, and that he got hurt.

Stiles shook his head and pulled wolf boys shirt down towards him. He pressed his lips hard against Scott's. He didn't even stop smiling for a minute.

Scott fell on the hospital bed and reconnected their lips. His hands found Stiles' and they intertwined their fingers.



So this is my first one-shot book.

I take request.


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