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"Hey, Stiles?"


"Have you seen my jacket with my number on it?" Scott stepped backwards and shook his head.  He couldn't find his jacket anywhere.

No reply was heard from the boy in Scott's room.  It made Scott a little worried.

"Stiles?" He put his foot on the bottom step, looking towards his open door.  The bright light illuminated the hallway.

It was currently midnight and the moon was a waxing gibbous.  The house was moderate temperature but Scott just wanted to go get food for the two.

Stiles could be annoying if he didn't get fed regularly.

"N-no.  I haven't seen it." A sqeaked voice came.  It cracked a the end, and was followed by some rustling.  It made Scott even more on edge.

He couldn't help but worry about his fragile human.  Stiles was a small little child who needed to be protected.  And if anything happened to him, Scott would kill himself.

Scott found himself running up the stairs and into the room, being blinded by the sudden brightness.  He skidded to a stop and heard a squeal.

Once he was use to the light, the tan boy saw a blushing Stiles with all but his eyes and upper nose covered by blanket.  His big brown eyes staring at Scott.

It took a moment for Scott to gain his composure.  But once he did he was sitting on the bed next to his lover asking if he was OK.

Stiles nodded and blushed harder if that was possible.  He loved Scott, but he didn't know if he was OK with what Stiles had done.

Scott frowned at the fact that his baby wasn't talking. "Are you angry at me?" His hands started shaking.


"Are you disappointed?" Stiles shook his head.

"Oh God, you're gonna break up with me aren't you?" Scott tried to stand up.  But Stiles hands shot out.

"No, oh no." Stiles pulled Scott to him.  His hands wrapping around the older boys neck.  He pulled him down for a kiss.

But Scott stopped and grinned. "You're wearing my jacket." His eyes lit up and his smile hid a thousand love words he wanted to say to Stiles.  He didn't understand why this would make him so happy.

Stiles pulled back a little. "Yeah..." He trailed off.

Scott pushed his lips hard against the boy on the bed.  His arms went to push his lover back.

"You're too hot in my clothes."

Stiles smiled and giggled.  He liked when Scott made him feel nice.

"Do me a favor and wear my jacket more often."

This was 433 words.
Short but cute I hope.
I might get to meet my internet friend.

Sciles One Shots Where stories live. Discover now