Stiles parenting

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"Dad! He took my phone!"

"You took my scarf!"

"Because you took my phone!"

Stiles rubs his head.  Scott isn't home and Stiles is having a hard time with the teens.  They constantly argue over the stupidest things.

Stiles presses his lips together and walks into the living room.  Isaac and Liam are wrestling.  It's a close call because they're both supernatural.  But Liam is barely still on top of Isaac.

Stiles decides not to stop it.  He flops on the couch and watches.  His mouth lifts upwards when fist start flying.


Scott was and still is as big of a child as the other two.  Always being bad and breaking things.  Always acting like a hyper kid.

The three werewolves were out in the backyard chasing balls and crap while Stiles was working his ass off.

He just won't get no love from me, Stiles thought.

He scrubbed down the messy floors then went up to his room to try for sleep.  But with the other three existing, that wasn't possible. 

They had made their way inside and Stiles could only imagine what mess they made.  So help them if there was mud on the newly cleaned floor.

Not knowing what they were doing kept him awake.  Stiles sighed and got out of bed.

He made sure to bang his head on the wall a few times before opening the door and slowly making his way back down the stairs.  His feet padded loudly, like he was stomping.

Of course their was mud on the floor.  It was smeared all over the floor and it made Stiles want to cry.  His face formed a frown and he sulked his way into the living room.

When he saw the mess he really did start crying.  Tears pours down his face and his breathing was shallow.  He pressed his hands against his knees.

Scott and the others were making a mess as we speak.  The sight was enough for Stiles to crawl up on the floor and into fetal position.

Lol there wasn't much sciles in this but I hope you enjoyed.

So I was gonna go see my great grandma because she was supposed to die within a week but then I get home from school and they tell me she already passed away.

I legit started crying because she was such a lovely woman and I hadn't saw her in over a year. My siblings didn't cry cause they hardly knew her but I felt like such a baby. I even had a friend come over.

So yeah, idk when I'll post next but see ya.



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