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"I hate you."

"I love you."

"But do you really?  Or do you love him, Scott?"

"I-I love him."

Stiles cringed at the last memory he shared with Scott.  It hurt because he loved the tan boy and didn't want that to be how it ended.  But he couldn't change it.  Scott was happy with some other boy named Derek.

Derek was always rude to Stiles, calling him names.  He treated Stiles like he couldn't do anything right.  Derek slowly mused Scott into not caring about the pale one.

Stiles didn't know how to handle it, his whole life, gone.  It was as if it flashed before his eyes like he was going to die.  That's what it felt like, anyway.

Now, Stiles couldn't think straight.  He did every stupid decision in the book. That involved dropping out of high school and making a fake ID just so he could get drunk.  Sometimes he even had a one night stand because losing his best friend hurt so bad.

In the morning he'd remember and regret.  It was never for long before he was off and doing bad choices again.  He had no standards.  No filter.  The old Stiles was gone.

Now, there was a Stiles whom was friends with Theo.  A kid he never trusted but couldn't get enough of now.  Theo gave him attention, he hung out with him, but he made bad decisions sometimes.

Somehow they were all substantially less than Stiles considering his history.  Theo even tried to talk Stiles into moving on from Scott.

"Stiles, this really isn't healthy for you." Theo said, sitting in the passengers side of Stiles' Jeep.  He took the last bite of food as they sat outside Dairy Queen.

"I don't give a shit." Stiles licked his ice cream and mugged the other cars, trying to make sure they weren't someone he knew.

"Look," Theo said, putting his trash in Stiles' lap. "Move on.  It's that simple.  He doesn't care about you, he said it himself.  So why are you letting it affect you?"

"Damnit, do you think it's that easy to just move on? We've been best friends for eight years!  We dated for one of them.  I was so in love with him, every time I try to move on I remember..." Stiles spoke, slowly losing his fight. 

"Remember?  Remember what?  That he hurt you?"

"No.  The times that he loved me." Stiles looked down before towing his ice cream out the window.  He put Theo's trash on the dash board and leaned back in the seat, closing his eyes.

"Did he love you?  Or was it just because he couldn't get Derek?" Theo pressed his back against the door as he, too, scanned the parking lot.  His eyes slowly landed back on Stiles who had his eyes closed and was trying not to become sad.

"I wish I knew." Stiles whispered sadly.  He opened one eye and peaked at Theo. "Would you rip his heart out like he did to mine if I asked you to?"

Theo laughed a little and shook his head. "I can't. One wrong move and Liam will send me back where I came from."

"Liam!" Stiles screamed so suddenly Theo jumped.  Theo's eyes were wide and he gripped the dashboard like it was his lifeline.

"Don't do that shit to me, Stiles." Theo gripped his chest and threw his head back. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Poor Liam probably doesn't know what's going on.  His mama just abandoned him and now he's all alone and confused.  He's probably not well taken care of." Stiles buckled up quickly and started the car.  He waited for Theo to do so, too, before speeding away.

"And why is this a big deal?  It's not like you're actually his mom." Theo said, enjoying the fast ride.

"Liam, baby, I'm coming for you!" Stiles screamed as he flew over a bump.  He totally ignored Theo and stopped right in front of his child's house.

"Okay," Theo spoke slowly, watching Stiles reach in the back.

"If things go south, put this over his head."

Theo's eyes widened but he nodded and grabbed the bag.  Then both of them looked at each other before getting out.  Quickly, Stiles walked up to the door while Theo took his time.

Stiles threw open the door and ran in which made Theo hurry to keep up.  They both ran into the living room to find Scott and Liam sitting on the couch.

"Oh!  My child!" Stiles ran and threw his arms around Liam while Theo stood there awkwardly holding a bag.  He waved a little to Scott whom waved back, confused.

"Stiles?" Liam asked and hugged back.  He looked to Scott who's eyes we're wide.

"Come on, you must be under fed.  I'll take care of you." Stiles came around to pick up Liam but he struggled to get put of the older's grip.

"No, Stiles, I'm okay." Liam said quickly, backing into Scott.

"What." Stiles pouted. 

"Yeah.  So can you, I don't know, maybe go?"

The words shocked Stiles.  He was torn because the little kid he wanted to take care of didn't want to be with him.  Instead he wanted to be with his horrible other dad.

"Um, yeah, yeah.  Sure." Stiles spoke slowly backing out of the room, tugging Theo.  Once they were out Theo whispered that he'd drive.

In the car Stiles tried not to cry.  He sat in silence, the memories of him and Liam coming back.  Eventually it became to much and Stiles started bawling, making Theo pull over.

"What's wrong?" He asked, pating the broken teens back.

"He stole everything from me.  My child, my mind, my heart." Theo bit his lip to keep from laughing at the child part. "I just can't leave him alone.  Theo, I need him."

"You don-"

"Take me to the bar." Stiles spoke, trying to whipe his tears.  The memories of his ex keep coming and wouldn't stop.  He needed a distraction.

"Stiles, you'll regret it."

"Take me." Stiles said, not accepting the fact that Scott wasn't coming back.  He wasn't accepting that he was alone.

Whoop whoop it's me.

Sad one shot cause I have orientation a week from today so im sad.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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