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I am totally not okay with this.  Nope, not at all.  Not one bit is it even a slither of OK.

I thought Scott was gay.  But then he goes and does this shit to me.  Like what the actual hell?

OK, so you are probably wondering what I'm complaining about.  Well you will probably freak because that's what I'm doing.  And I never overreact.

So basically Scott and I decided to sit together at lunch, like always, and we just talked.  It was so weird cause our conversations usually have to do with supernatural.  But I wasn't complaining.

I mean, I hardly get to see my amazing boyfriend.  So I always charish what little time I can spend with him.  Like we were then, holding hands under the table.

It's not like I cared who knew I was gay.  I mean, everyone suspected.  But Scott's and I's relationship was kept a secret because it could get me into danger or the others will think he favors me.

We agreed to do what we had to to keep it a secret.  But the little shit didn't have to go and actually flirt with a girl.

But what if he realized he wasn't gay?  And maybe he was hinting to me?  What if when we get to my house he'll break up with me?

Just kidding,

He isn't allowed to leave me.

So we were eating, right?  And this girl, whom smells like lettuce, came up.  And she sat next to Scott.  Like I knew we should've chosen a smaller table but Scott insisted and oMG WHAT IF THIS IS WHY WE COULDN'T SIT SOMEWHERE ELSE?


He's still not leaving me.

So she flipped her brown hair and fluttered her pretty lashes revealing her blue eyes.  Her tan skin was a little bit darker than Scott's, like Beyonce. (HOW IS SHE SO PRETTY)

She smiled a dashing smile and Scott looked surprised before he smiled back awkwardly. 

I let go of his hand and he immediately brought it up to brush a fuzz ball off her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Hailey.  You're pretty cute." She smirked and ran her hand down his arm.  Her fingers lingered a little when they got to his wrist. 

In her eyes I say determination, and lust.  Her pupils were blown wide and she eyed him like I do to food.  I don't like it.

Scott blushed deeply before replying. "I-I'm Scott.  You're very pretty... " he trailed off.  He kept looking at me when speaking.  I just tried to smile some.

When she spoke it was like he forgot about me.  His eyes trained on her and he was so focused, as if she was a test that he didn't study for.  He was trying to understand while I understood perfectly.

She was a meanie hole who MOVED IN ON MY MAN.  But, I guess, she didn't know I was dating him.  So I guess all signs we're clear.

Scott though... He just seemed to act like no one else existed.  We both agreed that flirting with others was one thing we would never do.   So when he did with that girl I felt my heart break.

I just watched and wished she wasn't here.  I wanted to scream and cry but it was a nightmare.  Everyone one of my horrors came true all because of a simple brunette.

Eventually I realized that I was in too much pain.  My heart was being drained but I just kept doing what I was doing.

So I excused myself, but it's not like they noticed.  They were so caught up in each other.

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