
2.5K 65 7

Stiles laughed, running through the house. He stopped in the living room and threw down the blankets and pillows he had gathered up. It only added to the pile that was already there.

Scott came walking down the stairs with a box of movies. He shook his head as he saw Stiles flop down in the middle of the blankets and pillows. The boys feet carried him towards the TV. He stopped and set the box down.

A certain boy with pale skin whined, realizing his boyfriend wasn't going to join him quite yet. Stiles rolled out of the pile and decided to make it into a little bed.

Occasionally Stiles eyes would wander over to Scott who was trying to figure out a movie to watch.  Scott didn't look over but knew Stiles wanted cuddles.  Stiles wanted them now.

"Stiles, how about you go pick us out some snacks?" Scott suggested.  He finally looked over at his lover.  Stiles nodded frantically and got to his feet quickly.  The teen ran to the pantry.

Scott shook his head as he continued searching.  None of the movies looked good enough for his baby.  Until he stumbled across Highschool musical.

Stiles loved that movie with all his heart.  He always managed to convince people he grew up with it.  It was his childhood. 

Scott wanted to know what was taking Stiles so long so he got up.  With narrow eyes he walked into the small closet to see Stiles standing on his tippy toes struggling to get the tortilla chips.

"Need help?"

Stiles jumped.  This sent the bag of chips downwards into the boy's arms.  Both laughed as he caught them with ease.

"Hurricane Katrina more like hurricane tortilla!"

New favorite thing is making Oneshots out of vines.

This is in honor of 26K reads that I don't deserve.


Have no chill and ship sciles.

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