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Scott had an obsession with the pale boy. It was an unhealthy obsession. It was probably one of the worst.

He always had to be with Stiles.  Scott always needed to know where he was, what was happening.  He couldn't stand to not be protective of Stiles.

It all started the day he walked into the bakery.  It wasn't just any, it was the one that Stiles' grandma owned.  It was the run down place on the bad side of town.

It was all Scott could afford.

Times were tough.  Scott's mom worked twenty-four-seven.  She could barely afford the home they lived in. 

It was mothers day and Scott had did everything he could to earn a few dollars.  He wanted, needed, to get a present.  It was like something was eating away at him.

His mother was all he had left.  The poor boy's dad couldn't never even tried to see his son.  His grandparents were long dead.

Scott had made the money delivering things.  What things, he didn't know.  He didn't care, honestly.  As long as he didn't get in trouble he was all fine.

When he walked in the bakery his eyes landed on a beautiful cake.  It was three layers and looked like something handcrafted by the gods.  So of course Scott smiled and took the money out of his pocket as he walked to the front.

There was a little bell Scott assumed he was supposed to ring.  When he did he smiled contently at the ring it made.  It made him feel so good. 

He already liked the little bakery.

A small, pale, boy walked out.  A wide smile was on his face and it made Scott's grow.  They just looked at each other for a moment.

Stiles looked down as a blush spread across his cheeks.  It was too cute to Scott. 

"How can I help you?" Stiles ran his teeth across his bottom lip and looked at Scott threw his lashes.  It drove the other absolutely insane. 

"Um, how much is that cake?" Scott pointed to the cake on the counter.  He watched as Stiles eyed the cake before looking at the money in Scott's hand.

"Fourty dollars." Stiles tapped his fingers on the counter.  He watched Scott frown and count his money.

"Oh.  I don't have enough.  I'm sorry for waisting your time." Scott sighed and gathered his money up again.  What seemed like a permanent frown was etched onto his face.

Stiles gasped.  He knew how it felt to be too poor for something you so desperately wanted.  He hated seeing people so disappointed.

"Hey!  No!  Wait!" Stiles attempted to jump over the counter.  Instead he knocked over the tip jar as he struggled to get his body over it.

Scott turned and chuckled at the boy.  He just can't get anymore adorable. He stayed still as Stiles ran up to him.

"I-I will give it to you for free.  It's on the house." Stiles stuttered out.

At that moment Scott knew the boy needed to be protected at all cost.  He smiled widely and tackled the other with a hug, which Stiles returned fully.  They just stood there for a few minutes.

But it didn't matter, no one was in the small shop anyway.

Scott left with the cake and Stiles' number.

Stiles smiled and rested his head on his hand.  When his shit was over he couldn't stop smiling as he cleaned up the place.

Until his grandfather walked in.

He was angry.  Very angry. 

Stiles stopped cleaning, even his smile disappeared.  He just stared as the man closed the metal shutter, preventing anyone from looking in.  He didn't even move when the old man took off his belt.

"We needed that money!" He almost yelled.  He folded up the belt in his hand.  It was enough to make Stiles fall to the ground and crawl backwards.

"I-I'm sorry." Stiles whimpered out.  But in reality, he wasn't.  Stiles regretted nothing.  His grandfather couldn't make him.

"I don't think you are." Stiles' hands flew up to cover his face as the last word was spoken.  But after a while he let his hands down and received the last, and hardest blow to his face.

When his grandpa was done be walked home.  A bruise was already forming on his cheek.  He didn't care. 

But Scott did.  Oh boy, he cared too much. 

Seeing the bruise lit up the protective and obsessive side of him.  It was like a trigger that only Stiles had the power to pull.


Honestly I want to make an AU based off of this.  But I already have a lot of books in writing.

It would mean so much if y'all could go read my book 'Labeled'. I entered it in the Wattys and I'm really hoping it's at least nominated because I'm really proud of it.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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