The Christmas Special *2*

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Stiles gripped Scott's shirt between his hands and pulled towards himself.  The black fabric was smooth and stretched easily against the harsh force.  It was the only clothing between the two boy's chest, Stiles had been previously removed.

Their lips smashed together.  Yet, it was a delicate kiss.  To Scott it was the feeling of a rose touching his lips, it was beautifully soft.  Neither of the boys could process the unmistakable feeling.

For a split second-less than that-the boys pulled apart.  They gasped for air as if they had been drowning.  They were drowing but still going back into the water after finally catching their breath.  Then they were together again, closer than before.

The shirt Scott had been wearing was tugged off and thrown somewhere in the room.  The two nineteen year olds were left only in their jeans with their clothes all over the room.  It wasn't their priority to put up the clothes neatly.

Stiles was gently pushed onto the bed.  The older one didn't want to hurt the fragile boy.  He cared too much to even let Stiles hit his back too roughly.  It was something that Stiles thought was adorable but kinda hated at the same time.

Sometimes Stiles wanted Scott to be rough.  The paler boy liked the pain of being pushed against the wall, he liked falling back onto the bed.  Although it definitely was something to see Scott suddenly be caring after what they were doing.

With his lover on the bed, Scott smiled and grabbed reindeer ears.  He put them on his head, causing the younger boy to burst out laughing.  He rolled onto his side he was laughing so much.  Stiles just thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Too much?  I thought it'd be great, you know?  Since it's Christmas?" Scott sat next to Stiles on tbe bed as he slowly stopped laughing.  The air had once again been returning to his lungs.

"You're such a dork." Stiles managed to get out through his huffs.  He sat up and looked at his boy.  Not just any boy-his boy.

To say Stiles was in love would be an understatement.  He couldn't stand to be away from Scott more than a day and always needed to touch him.  Stiles craved the older boy and he knew it.  Stiles was wrapped around his finger.

"Are you ready to open presents, yet?" Scott asked, smiling softly.  He watched Stiles shake his head vehemently and crawl back onto his lap.

"Not unless it's you." Stiles said smoothly.  His lips became attached to the rose like skin on Scott's neck.  He pressed butterfly kisses up and down his neck, moving to the very visible collarbone.

Scott laced his hands into Stiles' short hair.  He tugged his head back not too harshly.  Scott just didn't want Stiles to get too caught up and not open the gift he had gotten.

"Babe." Scott whispered, trying not to show how much he actually liked it. "It's present time."

"No!" Stiles protested a little too loudly and quickly, causing Scott to jump.  The small boy wrapped his arms tightly against Scott, not wanting to let go.

Scott sighs and stands up, causing Stiles to squeal and cling on tightly.  Scott laughs and walks down the stairs cautiously.  He's almost scared but still does it.

Scott sets Stiles down on the couch before walking to get his first present for Stiles.  The box is a big box wrapped in neat wrapping paper.  Scott hands it to the boy.

Stiles squeals and rips the paper off, but it's a recycled box so he has to open it up.  For a second this makes Stiles stare at Scott.  Then he begins to open the box.

It's tissue paper. Stiles makes a face up at Scott.  Scott just smiles at the now annoyed boy he loves.  Stiles doesn't smile back.

He pulls the tissue paper out and blinks a couple of times.  There's a small box.  Stiles grabs it amd opens it.  His face lights up.

"It's an avocado!  Thanks." Stiles holds the avocado up to show Scott.  His boyfriend laughs.  Stiles admires the avocado before setting it beside him. "My turn!"

"No!  I'm not done!" Scott yells before sitting next to Stiles.  He smiles once more, watching the confused face.  He pulles out another small box and hands it over.

"A smaller avocado?  Thank you." Stiles says before opening it.  Scott shakes his head, laughing at how cute Stiles was.

But when Stiles opens the box, he gasp.  His shaky hand comes up to cover his mouth.  Stiles is rendered speechless for the first time ever.  Tears are filling his eyes.

Scott takes the box back and grips Stiles hand. "It's a promise ring, are you okay with that?"

Stiles nods, choking back his words. Scott presses their lips together once more.

Hopefully it's still Christmas for y'all.  It's 7:38 AM on Christmas for me so. :)

Merry Christmas.  Y'all better enjoy this I worked hard.

Have no chill and ship sciles.

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