Do Something

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"Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something."

The two boys remember that day in the hospital.  The day when Stiles was being scanned for dementia.  The day when the void played a mean trick that had scared Scott and everyone else to death. 

The boys have saved each others lives more than they can count.  It ranges from the day when Stiles stopped Scott from committing suicide to all those times Scott helped Stiles with his panic attack.  They had the others backs no matter what.

Sure they had their ups and downs.  Scott has believed Theo over his own friend and Stiles has tried to kill Scott but in the end they were always there.  Nothing could separate them.  It's like they were in love.

Actually, they are in love.  Unfortunately, neither was able to find the courage to admit it.  They both could be confident and fearless unless it came to confessing their feelings.  It's like they closed themselves off.  They were scared.

Just because they were scared it doesn't mean they stopped hanging out.  In fact it seemed like everything was normal.  Nothing had changed.  Well, besides their feelings.

But they always had sleepovers where they didn't even sleep.  They had hugs that weren't awkward and laughs that weren't forced.  The two could still save Beacon Hills like no other.  Scott and Stiles still had a perfect friendship.

Sometimes, they wished the other reciprocated their feelings.  They wished the other would just do something.  It was horrible to have to pretend like there were no feelings involved.

Scott's main priority was to keep everyone safe.  He didn't want anyone hurt.  But he didn't know that the lack of communication between the two friends was killing Stiles.  Not only was it hurting the paler of the two, but it was painful for Scott as well, but he didn't care.

Stiles loved being the person Scott could count on.  He was okay with being the only human in the pack.  That didn't mean he was okay with just being a friend.  No, he wanted more.  Stiles needed more.

Unfortunately, until Beacon Hills was in a safe state, even for a little, Scott couldn't think about making a move on Stiles.  He needed him safe and if they were dating he'd have a target on his back.  Stiles would be in constant danger and Scott couldn't constantly be there to protect him.

Scott thought of Stiles somewhat like a baby.  His baby.  Yes, Stiles and Scott knew that Stiles was definitely able to hold his own.  But Scott liked to think he needed someone.  He didn't like the thought of Stiles being alone.

Which is why he snuck into Stiles room one night.  He snuck in then laid in Stiles bed and watched him sleep.  He'd feel like a stalker if he wasn't Stiles bestfriend  and if Stiles didn't know he was there.  But Stiles knew, he always felt the bed shift and had even asked Scott a question one time.

But tonight was different and both knew it.  Stiles opened his eyes slowly to see the boy he loved.  Scott smiled and lifted a hand to brush back a piece of stray hair.  Stiles teied not to lean into his touch too much.

"Are you alright?" Stiles asked, voice barely above a whisper.  In fact, his voice switched to a whisper halfway through.  But Scott heard every word.  He couldn't help but admire Stiles for a moment.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"I'm not the one sneaking into windows at," Stiles paused to look at his watch, "Two am."

Scott sighed, not understanding how Stiles could be so good at reading him. Stiles was a human and Scott was a wolf trained to be hard to find. 

"Yeah," Scott bit his lip, "I'm fine."

It was at that moment Stiles would wish Scott would do something.  He hoped for Scott to lean in and kiss his lips.  He prayed that Scott would tell him how he felt.  He needed Scott to make him feel whole. 

"Scott." Stiles whispered.  He adjusted so his hand was under his head.  His doe eyes stared up into Scott's brown ones.  The boy hoped Scott couldn't sense the love he felt.

Scott was oblivious to Stiles.  He had never been able to sniff out love before.  He knew Stiles always gave off such a great smell but he could never pinpoint it.  He could barely notice his own love for Stiles.

Well, he never knew what he was smelling until two minutes after Stiles had said his name.  It took him a while for he had only started thinking after he realized there was something different about the way the other said his name.  It wasn't a weak way.  But it wasn't confident.  It was soft and filled with something.  Love.

Scott sat up, watching as Stiles did, too.  They both were silent. 

Stiles felt his cheeks heat up as Scott reached and put his hands on them.  He felt Scott's thumb slide against his bottom lip before moving to the outskirts of it.  Then a force slowly moved Stiles head in.

Scott leaned in.  His heart was thumping loudly and he tried to ignore it.  His knees felt weak and he was thankful he was sitting down.

Then their lips touched.  It was gentle, but never needy.  They knew they had the other, they didn't need to say it.  Scott also didn't need to voice how soft Stiles was. 

The boy didn't need to voice how his heart was bursting at the seems.  Nor did he need to say how the kiss satisfied his every want.  It was perfect.

It was like the moment when the sun and the moon crossed paths and everything was perfect if even for a second.  Both boys felt this and more as Stiles leaned into the kiss, turning his head slightly. 

It was a miracle.  It was wonderful.  It was everything to the two boys as they finally released each other.  Stiles was breathing slightly more heavily than usual, but he was content.

The longest thing I've written in a long time.

I truly believe this was beautiful and I honestly wish I could experience this one day.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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