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It's no secret that Stiles was the clingiest person ever. Even compared to supernatural creatures who don't get attached easily. He out ran them all by a lot.

Sometimes it'd get on Scott's nerve when instead of being by his side in stupid situations Stiles would be 'forbidding' Scott to do it. Stiles use to be the one who'd come up with stupid shit.

But Stiles had grown over protective of the older boy. No, it wasn't Scott's level where he couldn't even go out on a full moon. But it was pretty darn close.

Stiles would put his arms around Scott's neck randomly and nuzzle his face, even if he was in the middle of a conversation. Stiles just wanted to remind everyone of the fact that Scott was his.

Scott would get annoyed because then predators would smell Stiles on him and know he's his. It provided to much danger for the pale boy.

"But if you're here then why do I need to worry?!" Stiles through his hands up.

"Because I can't always be here!"

"Like hell, I'll beat your ass if you leave me, wolf boy!"

Scott let's out a frustrated sigh. "Fine!"

"Yay!" Stiles steps towards his boyfriend before throwing his arms around him.  He smiles and presses a kiss to the tan boy's neck.

Scott groans. "Stiles..." A gasp escapes his lips as the younger one bites down.  His hands immediately tangle themselves in the hair of the brown eyed boy.

"Just marking what's mine." Stiles giggles and steps back.  He holds the other at arms length, examining his work.  He leans in again and licks the red mark.

"Okay, we need to get to work. I'm not failing school because of you." Scott turns around and grabs his backpack.

"Are you sure?" When Scott turns around again his lover is shirtless.  His breath catches in his throat.

A lot of times Stiles will take Scott's jacket and wear it.  When people would ask him about it he'd almost snap at them.  Sometimes he'd sleep with it and smile at the smell.

When Scott would be standing with his arms crossed Stiles would unwrap them then wrap himself in them again.

"What?" He gave Scott an innocent look. A pout formed on his face. "Love me, baby."

Scott sighed, pulling Stiles tighter against him. "I do, babe." He pressed his lips against the smaller boys temple.  It made Stiles lean into the touch.

Lydia walked by and jokingly gagged at the lovers. "Stiles, oh my God." She then laughed because the pale boy pouted.  She knew how clingy he was.

"Can we just skip?  We only have one hour left." Stiles asked, wanting nothing more than to be as close as possible to his boyfriend.

"Sorry, Babe." Scott left after kissing Stiles again.  Stiles huffed.




This was supposed to be longer hut idek what happened.


I actually like it so.


Keep calm and ship Sciles.

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