A long road

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Stiles scrapped his feet against the dirt road.  His body rocked back and forth with each step he took.  The brunet was almost out of energy.  His will to keep going was running low.  There was no more fight left in him.

Yet, he still managed to shove one foot in front of the other.  Stiles let his blurry vision and sense of direction carry him towards the only place he felt he could go.  There was no where left he felt safe.  It was his only option.  So, he kept going.

The past few days had been long and tiring.  The fight took everything from him.  Mentally and physically.  He could no longer see the world as a happy place.  He could no longer feel the same emotions.  Stiles, as much as he didn't care to admit it, had seen some stuff.  This was sure to stick with him for a while.

Images flashed through his brain.  The stubborn boy wasn't sure that that trait was such a good thing after what had happened.  He didn't want to be stubborn anymore.  But, he couldn't tell that his stubbornness and unwillingness to die was the reason he was even still there.  He could be decomposing into the ground if he had given up.

Just like some of the others.

They had given up and Stiles vaguely wondered if he should have, too.  The boy let that thought slip through his grasp as he continued down the lonely road.  He had very few thoughts on his mind.  They kept moving out of reach, willing his focus to be on the path ahead. 

His whole body willed him to stop.  It told him that it wasn't worth it anymore.  Stiles had nothing to live for.  Everything he knew was gone.  It was blown to pieces by one thing, by one person.  The doe eyes could never unsee what he did. 

Somewhere, deep in the back of his mind, Stiles knew there was one thing he had to live for.  He had to see if that one person was okay.  Although, he first needed to overcome the obstacle of the long road.  It was almost as if that road was separating him from the person he needed to see most.

In his mind, the road was a symbol of the fight.  It was a symbol of the hardships the group had endured.   It showed that although there had been some tough times, eventually it would all end.  Every road, whether we like it or not, comes to an end.

Stiles knew nothing would be the same.  He was changed as a person.  Who he was before was gone, it was dead.  In its place was the rebirth of a new person, someone who was stronger.  This person could withstand the long road.  The old Stiles couldn't say that.

The boy wondered briefly if the other person would be the same way.  Would they be tired?  That was actually a dumb question-they would be tired, but only mentally.  This person had the strength of a thousand elephants.  That's something Stiles had always admired.  They could hold their own, it had been proven time and time again.

Which is how Stiles knew they were okay.  Stiles knew the two would be able to recover together from the horrific events they had suffered in Mexico.  The events that had separated the two.  It was hard dealing with the aftershocks alone.

Stiles knew he wouldn't be able to cope with everything alone.  He knew the other person wouldn't be able to either.  It was why they were always together.  It's why they always had each other's backs.  They knew the other and their ways like the back of their hand. 

There was nothing they couldn't get through.  Stiles believed that as long as they had each other they would always be okay.  So, like he always did, Stiles set his heart to find his Bestfriend.  The only person left he could trust.  His only option anymore.

Stiles grit his teeth and clenched his fist.  He picked one foot up before placing it down again.  The boy continued down the long road, towards Scott.

Long time no see my friends.

I haven't watched teen wolf in so long but I'm trying to keep the characters how I remember them.  And I fully believe that at the end of the day Scott and Stiles will always find each other.

Have no chill and ship sciles

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