Library Boy

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I walked into the library, along side my friends, Liam and Isaac. We were all ready to wreak havoc to annoy the librarian, Mrs. Wiends. What a basic name, am I right?

Of course I didn't know that my plans would be quickly demolished by a cute boy who was apparently the new helper.

I sat in the bean bag by the bookcase, talking loudly to Isaac. We laughed at the thought of any movie topping off The Hunger Games. It was definitely one if the best. I mean, it was so realistic and Jennifer Lawrence is just great.

"Jen is my spirit animal." Liam says, leaning back farther in his bean bag. I laugh and get sushed by Mrs. Wiends. This makes me groan loud in annoyance.

"Mm. I loved the book, too." Isaac speaks before whistling as boy walks by, his eyes trailing along. I faintly see a blush cross the boys cheeks as he walks away.

I nod, appreciating his looks.  The boy had light brown hair and pale skin.  A red flannel and blue skinny jeans.  To say he looked like a god was an understatement.  My, my.

"Damn." I whisper before getting up to follow the boy. He walked into the adults section and I followed blindly,  having no idea how this would turn out.

He stopped to look at the shelves before putting a book in it's place.  I walked up to him and pretended to be looking at the books.  Unfortunately he caught me.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for a book by...Stephen King?" I literally said the first name I saw which happened to be in the boys stack.

He laughed before pulling out a book and handing it to me.  Then he smiled and walked a little bit away to the end of the shelf. I look the cover.


Well that's not what I was expecting.  I stuttered for a second before walking over to him again.

"Why did you think this was the book I meant?"

"Because ever since the movie came out, that's the book everyone has wanted."

"I mean, Finn Wolfhard is cute but I was looking for something else." I saw, smirking as I see him smile again, something I now love.

"Oh, yeah? What is that? "

"Your number."

Rip this is short.

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