The Christmas Special *1*

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Stiles runs through the halls of his house, tripping over things. His feet move at a very fast pace but stop abruptly to keep himself from slamming into a wall. With a huff he makes a left face.

Stiles' hands push at the kitchen door and the boy burst into the kitchen. He falls short of his tracks when he sees the contents of his pot up in flames. A not very manly scream leaves his mouth.

With a falling heart Stiles grabs a fire extinguisher and points. He doesn't have very good aim and ends uo spray on it all over the kitchen. A fog steams up Stiles' view. When he can finally see again he runs to turn the stove off.

It takes a moment for what just happened to settle in the small boy. He presses his hands against the counter, dropping the extinguisher. Stiles' breathing is heavy and he is temporarily light headed. This minor fatigue only last a few minutes.

Eventually Stiles can see again. His breathing returns to normal and he finally has the heart to look into the pot. His heart drops.

His favorite pot is stained black and looks potentially like it might fall apart. There is a dark liquid all around the sides of the once shiny and silver pot. Stiles knows he'll have to toss out the pot.

It's still to hot to touch so the boy opens the trash and grabs an ovenmit. It pains him to see his favorite pot go but he quickly throws it into the garbage before realizing it was a bad idea. The bag starts to melt around the heated object.

"God damnit." Stiles says, putting his head in his hands. He rest his elbows against the island as he thinks about what had happened.

He had been exhausted and just wanted to take a nap. Stiles knew he had to cook for Christmas eve and had a lot to do so he started on Christmas eve eve. The sauce he was making wasn't supposed to be done for an hour, Stiles had no clue of what went wrong.

Christmas eve eve was always his favorite day of he year because he'd cook in the morning then spend the rest of the day with Scott being adventurous. It was the perfect day to Stiles. It was almost the end of the year, it was the last day to do everything they wanted to do.

This year Stiles didn't know if he had the will to go out. At his point he didn't want to see Scott that much. He just wanted to lay alone, wallowing in his self pity.

Scott didn't know Stiles wanted to be alone so he came over fully ready. Stiles was not ready. In fact when Scott unlocked the door Stiles was sitting kn the corner of the room, a blanket covering his entire body from head to toes. Scott might've missed him if not for the fact that Stiles was a giant shaking lump.

"Oh, baby!"Scott wailed, rushing to his boyfriend. He threw the blanket off and pushed Stiles into his chest. The younger didn't even get to say anything.

Stiles struggled, finding it hard to breath.  Scott didn't say anything but let Stiles move his head.  The pale boy let out a sigh of relief. 

"You could've killed me."

"But I didn't. "

"But you could have."

"But I didn't. "

Stiles sighed. "I hate you."

"No, you don't now get up, we're gonna have an awesome day." Scott uncrosses his legs and stands up.  He holds his hand put but Stiles doesn't take it.

Stiles pouts and looks at Scott.  Scott attempts to pull his lover up but Stiles curls up in a ball.  The two fight each other until Scott finally pulls him up.

"I didn't say you had a choice, love." With that said, Scott drags his lovely boyfriend out the door.

Holy hell it's Christmas eve eve.

I told you y'all would get a better Christmas one shot than last year so enjoy.

Part 2 coming soon *wink wonk*

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