Shut Up, Wolfie

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Stiles: Guys

Liam: I am one

Corey: Really? Who knew.

Malia: Damnnnn! Corey got you thereee

Liam: Meanies :(

Kira: score- 1 Corey 0 Mason

Stiles: Guys

Lydia: That was actually a good one Corey

Corey: Thank you thank you *bows*

Scott: I have arrived

Malia: SCOTT did you see Corey's sick burnnnnn?

Scott: Yeah I almost laughed but Stiles is downstairs

Stiles: And right here

Scott: Stiles gets angry when I laugh at you guys roasting each other

Stiles: Bitch im bout to be mad regardless if you guys keep acting like I'm not here

Lydia: Stiles gets mad at everything, it's why we broke up

Stiles: We broke up because you cheated on me with Perish

Scott: I'm glad you broke up because now I have an awesome boyfriend

Kira: Your boyfriends gonna kill you

Scott: For?

Stiles: Oh I don't know... ignoring me?!

Lydia: Does Stiles really need a reason to kill you? I mean...

Stiles:... I hate you Lydia

Stiles has left the group chat

         Stiles has been added to the group chat

Scott: Babyyyyy dont gooooo

Stiles: that was really rude

Scott: I'm sorry :(

Read by Liam, Corey, Kira, Lydia, Malia, and Stiles

Scott: I love you Stiles and I can't say the same for Lydia but I'm sorryyyy

Stiles: Shut up, Wolfie

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