To Stiles

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To my dearest Stiles

I have to leave you, love. There's no other way to say it. I cannot sugarcoat it. That would hurt you worse.

I guess it would not matter though, because I've already hurt you enough, haven't I? That's all I've done to you since this whole situation started. I've become a monster. But all of it was for good reason.

Those reasons, you cannot know, I fear they will risk putting you in danger. My love, all I have done is try to protect you so why would I risk it all now? Nothing is worth your safety to me. Do you know what would happen to me if I found out you were no longer safe? Or even alive? Take a guess.

For these past centuries all you have been is great to me. You are the same boy I fell in love with back in the Victorian era when I was not allowed to love you. You are the same boy who got me through the horrific events of the titanic, the one who also got me through the horrible dress trends of the 70's. (That's a joke I hope you find it funny)

Every fight we have ever had was because of me. Because I would not let you do something. I may have seemed to be overreacting, but I was not. I wish I could tell you those reasons for everything I did, but you must not know yet. In time, you will know. But you must promise to be patient.

I am sorry, for making you worry. I know you will for these next few decades. It's only when I know it is safe will I return to you, my love. That is one promise I can keep.

Now, I am not here to make you sad. That is not what this letter was intended for. I just wanted you to know that I love you, my dear Stiles. I love you with every fiber of my being. I love your brown eyes, I adore your pale skin.

I love the way your body reacted to mine. I love the sarcastic undertone you never seemed to lose for as long as I've known you. And, most of all, I love your soul. You are a kind person. You don't deserve any hurt you receive.

I hope you do not forget me while I'm gone. I hope you do not find someone else. For when I return, I will still love you and will not let anyone have you. You are mine. No one else's.

I love you, my dear,


I low key wanna make this into a story but I probably would never finish it.

I actually am really proud of this?

Have no chill and ship Sciles

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